Thursday, February 19, 2004 (98)

THE REWARD OF LOVE. Because of His love for righteousness and hatred of iniquity He was rewarded above all with an anointing of the Spirit unequaled in others. This is the perfect example for all who would live Godly in Christ Jesus. There must be an extremely strong love for the purity and holiness that is in Christ. While hatred is not a part of the Christian life, to detest strongly all sin and unrighteousness is necessary for a victorious life. When our stand is adamant toward wickedness of all kinds it is easier to gain victory over all temptations. The reward given to the Lord Jesus was that of the fullness of the Spirit. The anointing and power of the Spirit which rested upon Him was greater than all others. When we make the right stand, we reap a full reward. Heb.1:9 

JESUS WILL RULE A KINGDOM OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. This is an established kingdom. There will never be a change of its leadership or authority. It is the eternal kingdom of the Lord. The scepter, the rod of authority, the sign of this king is that of justice. Not only righteousness but of certain and absolute just and right. In using His rod of iron in dealing with the nations, He will bring judgment upon them. In dealing with His people His rod becomes a shepherds crook. Rev. 2:27, 19:15 The whole of His kingdom, the temple and all who are found in His kingdom must meet the measurement of the full stature of the Lord Jesus. Jesus is the standard for all things that are heavenly and eternal. Rev. 11:1 Once His kingdom is established there will never, eternally, be any action or word that will disrupt or disturb. Ps. 45:6 

THE KINGS OF ISRAEL. Ironically something that has not taken place and can only happen to a nation that will accept Him for all that He is to those who believe on Him. He came as their King and Redeemer. For His redemption to be worked out in the life of His subjects, they must receive Him and acknowledge Him as their King. Isa. 44:6 The scriptures present two Israel’s, one of the flesh, and one of the spirit. Both are considered to be the offspring of Abraham. Those who are the children of the flesh are not automatically considered by Paul [Himself a Hebrew of the Hebrews] to be the children of God. Those who have embraced the promise of the Word and have fully received it are the true children of Abraham. A spiritual seed who have been called in Isaac, who is a type of the Lord Jesus. Rom. 9:7-8 They who would become the true family of the Lord and be made to be His children are those who are born of God. The natural descent may be included but only if they have been born of the spirit. The household of faith in our day is composed of those who have received the Lord Jesus as their savior and have been born again. John 1:12-13 There is no method or means whereby any can come any other way into the kingdom of the Lord Jesus but by Jesus. It is not a way of multiple choice. There is only one way, one truth and one life. At the beginning and end of which there is only one door and that door is the Lord Jesus.

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