Monday, January 26, 2004 (80)

JESUS IS AFFIRMED BY THE SCRIPTURES AS THE SON OF GOD. Jesus made an interesting statement concerning the sound of His voice. It is the voice of resurrection. The physical bodies of those who are dead in Christ will rise when they hear the voice of the Son of God. He stated plainly for them to hear, that He was the Son of God. John 5:25 The religious authorities of that day accused Him of blasphemy because He called Himself the Son of God. John 10:36 In spite of the Godly works that He wrought among them it was in their religiously dead hearts to resist Him. There will always be resistance to the truth. Astonishingly, they thoroughly understood His words and knew exactly what they meant. In stating that God was His Father He had made Himself equal with God. They sought to kill Him because of His declaration. John 5:17-18 When they stand before the judgment bar of God they will not be able to claim ignorance or misunderstand of His statements. They well knew and comprehended His words. 

TO DENY THE DEITY OF CHRIST IS TO COMMIT A GREAT OFFENSE. The Word is always straight forward and to the point. There is no question as to the status of anyone who would dispute the Deity of Christ Jesus. John boldly stated that person is a liar. More so, he is the antichrist, that is, he has the spirit of the antichrist, because he denies the Father and the Son. Neither the Father or the Son exist without the other. They complement each other and are dependent one on the other. Their very existence is dependent one on the other. 1 John 2:22 This may be used as a measurement in determining a false spirit, for if it denies that Christ is from God it is a false spirit and needs to be avoided. 1 John 4:3 A denial of the Son indicates that the person is completely out of touch with the Lord. Their rejection of the Son results in the rejection of the Father. Conversely, those who confess the Son have the Father also. 

JESUS WAS WORSHIPPED AS GOD. When confronting and rebuking Satan Jesus made a clear statement that only the Lord God should be worshipped and served. Mt. 4:10 After Jesus’ walk on the water and His invitation to Peter to do the same. He entered into the boat on the stormy sea and immediately the wind ceased. Watching such terrific miracles brought forth worship from His disciples who were in the boat. They truly believed Him to be the Son of God. Mt. 14:32-33 After his resurrection His disciples on being with Him worshipped Him. Luke 24:53 All angelic beings are commanded to worship the Lord Jesus. Heb. 1:6 It is well to remember that angels are not Deity. They are created beings and do not have the eternal, everlasting nature of God. Angels, like us have fallen, therefore are not beyond the capability of sin. By the resurrection and His ascension into heaven Jesus is in full authority, angels and authorities are made subject unto Him. 1 Pet. 3:22

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