Tuesday, February 03, 2004 (86)

THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE LORD OF GLORY. What a beautiful expression of the exhalted position afforded the Lord Jesus. The inspiration of the Apostle James came from the Holy Spirit to proclaim Jesus to be the Lord of Glory. It is meant to be applied to Him in every way possible. No one is more glorious or deserves more glory than Jesus. James 2:1. He is the shining, radiant, brightness of the glory of His Father. The light of His glory extends far beyond the ability of the human eye to see. Now His glory is veiled but there is coning a moment of time when that covering will be removed and the greatest, the most glorious of all that is light will be revealed, as the person of the Lord Jesus. Heb. 1:3 The exact person and recipient of the glory of God is revealed by the cross. The Lord of glory is the one who was crucified there. 1 Cor. 2:8 Looking back we see the cross, looking forward we see the one who was crucified coming again. This time coming in the absolute fullness of the glory of the Lord. Titus 2:13 It is forecast that He is coming in blazing fire. A manifestation of flame and light that is totally beyond the comprehension of those who do not know Him. What a fearful yet glorious sight. 2 Thess.1:8 

HIS GLORY WAS MADE KNOWN IN GRACE AND TRUTH. He came introducing the grace and truth of the Almighty to the whosoever will. He was the vessel of the living God. He was fully clothed with that glory. He was the true presentation to the world of all that His Father was. May we too behold His glory as the Disciples of old did. It is not withheld from us but is revealed by the Word. John 1:14 The glory of the Lord Jesus prior to His birth as a man had been the covering presence of the Father. In the prayer of the Lord Jesus, He is praying with great anticipation of once again having that overshadowing glory which had been His before the foundation of the world. John 17:5 There is no question but what the Father had it in His grand and glorious purpose to restore His Son once again to that exalted and glorious status. Jesus is praying that His followers might be where He will be that they might behold that majestic glory that the Father had bestowed upon Him from before the creation of the world. John 17:24 As the shekinah glory lightened the Most Holy place, so the light and splendor of the glory of God will be seen in the Lord Jesus throughout the eternity to come, time without end. The city of the Lord, the New Jerusalem will be completely without any current source and supply of light, from the sun to the light globe. The glory of the Father and the LAMB will be the light of that city, eternally. There will never be a dark day and absolutely no night in that glorious city. The majestical beauty of it beggars description. It is not like our cities here on earth. No earthly city has ever been constructed which can be used to compare to Its splendor and beauty. Don’t expect things to be like they are here on earth. Rev. 21:23

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