Tuesday, December 16, 2003 (53)

THE LAMB TO BE MARRIED. His bride is to be a prepared bride. This is a Bible statement that is most important. The Lord has always established high and holy requirements for those who are called to fulfill His will. Where would there be a greater need for holiness and righteousness than that of a bride who is to be joined together with the one who is the very essence of purity. The call of the Spirit is issued to the bride in such prophecies as in the book of Isaiah 52:1 It certainly is most fitting, especially for the church of today. It opens with a cry to awaken! It is repeated again so as to emphasize the great need for an awakening to righteousness and spiritual preparedness for the glorious coming event of the marriage of the Lamb. Few seem to acknowledge or realize it but the next great event for the church is the marriage of the Lamb. 

PUT ON THY BEAUTIFUL GARMENTS. Isa. 52:1 How carefully, how thoughtfully the bride chooses her bridal gown. Do we dare suppose for a moment that just any garb will do? This will not be an occasion where casual clothing will be accepted. The man without the wedding attire was cast out of the wedding because of his untoward garments and he was but a guest. No one will be in the bride, with its higher demand without the proper wedding gown. Mt. 22:11-13 The garment of salvation is a definite requirement. The robe of righteousness is another. The jewels of the Spirit, its fruit and gifts are also necessary. Isa. 61:10 Because she is to be married to a King, she is to be crowned with a diadem of beauty and clothed with the garment of praise. Isa. 61:3 She is to be clothed with the garments of royalty, the new man the spiritual entity. That which has the nature, attitude and character of the Lord. That individual who has been created a second time into the likeness of Christ who is true righteousness and holiness. Eph. 4:24 

THAT WHICH IS WORN IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE. Is there any thing to be worn of more importance than the Lord Jesus Christ himself? We are exhorted to Put on the Lord Jesus Christ. More than an exhortation it is a command. An order, which if not obeyed has dire consequences. It is when we are clothed with Him that the desires, longings and the lusts of the flesh are set aside. Rom. 13:14 It is that new creation which enables one to reach forward to the high and holy standards which are in Christ Jesus. The Spirit and the Word work in harmony with the spiritual cravings of that person who is in the process of change. The grand and glorious aim of the Lord is to find a people who will totally follow Him with the whole heart, soul and spirit into a mighty transition where they are renewed into His image. Col. 3:10 No one in the church is to be excluded from the opportunity to be a part of that beautiful bride. The choice is up to the individual. Wear the bridal gown which He has chosen and prepared for His bride and be a partaker of the wedding. Refuse to measure up to His standards and be left out. We make our own choice. Deity is to be married.

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