Monday, January 5, 2004 (65)

JESUS IN PERFECT UNITY WITH HIS FATHER. So much so, that He was able to say that He and the Father were one. He did not mean one and the same person, but in absolute unity in everything pertaining to the things of God. The Greek word used is indicative of unity, not one and the same. Throughout the ministry of the Lord Jesus He proclaimed this oneness with His Father. Neither He or His Father could be God if there was any division between them. Absolute harmony is required in the relationship of the Godhead. John 10:30 When Jesus in this manner proclaimed His full and complete unity with the Father, they thoroughly understood Him and took up stones to stone Him. v.31 To them He had committed blasphemy by making Himself to be God. The Lord Jesus, united to the Father could only be all that was to be found in the Father. Union, to really be a proper and true union must be to the fullest degree. Jesus, in His life, expressed the comprehensive nature and being of His Father. Further evidence of that blessed union is given by Jesus when He said, The Father is in me and I am in Him. John 10:38 The physical man of the Lord Jesus originated with the Father, every man must have a Father or one who supplies the seed. The Spiritual man of the Lord Jesus likewise came forth from the Father. Therefore in body and spirit He was born of His Father. It would be expected that He have the same nature and character as the Father. He consistently worked the works of the Father and ascribed the glory and power to His Father. 

FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. The confession of the Word is that it was with God and was God. John 1:1 Furthermore the Word is given gender, He, and is stated as having been with God from the beginning. v.2 To solidify the position and status of the Lord Jesus as the Word it is confirmed that the Word became flesh. Amazing, something as spiritual, as eternal as the Word could be embodied in human flesh, but it was. We are still seeing and enjoying the glory of the only begotten of the Father, as the grace and truth of the Lord is revealed to us. Blessed, blessed wonder that He loves us and is willing to make Himself known to us in the fullness of His presence. Of Christ and of Christ alone may it be said that He was with the Father. That He came forth from the Father. In every act, in every step He made, He fully performed the will and purpose of His Father. That precious union, that marvelous and unique accord that existed between the Father and the Son became self evident in His works. Now it is our blessed privilege to enter into that fellowship and be united with Him by the Spirit of the living God. There is a unity, yet to be expressed, which will be manifest in the body of Christ, the Church of His perfecting. Only by such an alliance may the ultimate work of the Spirit be accomplished in these last days. 1 John 1:3 The days of an admixture in the church will soon come to an end. Its members will find themselves totally committed to Him or totally excluded. The choice is ours. He will not force anyone to do His will. Commitment is entirely voluntary.

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