Friday, December 19, 2003 (56)

THE TABERNACLE OF THE BRIDEGROOM. The universe proclaims the majestic existence of the Lord in a language which is universal. The heavens declare the glory of God. Ps. 19:1 Scientist are trying to tune into the voices, the sounds coming from the heavens. In the possibility that there are other intelligent beings in the heavens with whom we may establish contact. They hear noises, static but not messages. Nevertheless the Word states that daily, the heavens pour forth speech, to every language and country, until there is no language where their speech is not heard. The Lord has sent a man from space, from the heavens and written a book which He is using to reveal Himself. On earth, He has manifest His presence in tabernacle and temple. The heavens are as a tent or a tabernacle which He has pitched for the sun. The sun is depicted as a bridegroom, one ready for marriage, emerging for the wedding. He is a champion, a conqueror always victorious. Ps. 19:2-5 Habbakuk made reference to the sun and the moon standing still in the skies, in their habitation, their dwelling place or residence. Hab. 3:11 

AN AMAZING SITUATION. An angel standing in the sun. To be observed He must be brighter than the sun. A being of glorious light. How fitting a place for the Angel to stand and announce the coming event. Rev. 19:17 Anyone who associates with the Lord of glory will assimilate that spectacular light and glory which is found in the presence of the Lord. Jesus Himself is seen manifesting that splendor which is the Lords alone. His face shined as the sun shining in all of its might and power. Rev. 1:16 John also saw a mighty, strong, powerful Angel descending from heaven. He was clothed with a cloud, no doubt a cloud of glory. A full rainbow, a complete circle was round about His head. The rainbow with its three primary colors typifies the Godhead, three colors yet one rainbow. God is revealed in Christ. His face gleaming, glowing, shining forth like the sun. He is the sun of righteousness. Those who are found in His presence will appropriate the same glory. His feet were like pillars of fire. What an awesome personage. Surely He will strike fear in the hearts of all who try to withstand Him. Rev. 10:1 Moses during his visit with the Lord on MT Sinai assimilated the glory of the Lord until his face shone with that majestic glowing sun like light. Ex. 34:30 So great was that glory which was in him that he had to wear a vail when in the presence of the children of Israel. Ex. 34:33 However, when he went before the Lord to speak face to face with him, it was on a common plain, like speaking with an equal he removed the vail. Ex. 34:34 He was the friend of the Lord. What a tremendous relationship. Ex. 33:11 If in the giving of the Law, which was to be set aside, there was such a mighty glory how much greater is the glory which is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Cor. 3:11 The revelation of the true glory of the Lord which is yet to be revealed in the church will be the ultimate glory, the fullness of the magnificent presence of the Lord in the body of Christ.

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