Monday, November 24, 2003 (37)

THE HIGH PRIEST, WHO WOULD NOT BE A PRIEST, IF HE WERE HERE. Christ was not a descendant of Aaron, but of Judah. Therefore He was not in the lineage of the Levitical priesthood. Heb. 8:4 No one except a person who was a descendent of Aaron could serve in the Tabernacle or the Temple. Num. 16:40 Under the Law, Christ could never have become a priest serving before the Lord. There is one great, gigantic, immense and huge contrast between the priesthood which He received and that which is under the Law. As the mediator, the only mediator, the one mediator and as the man, Christ Jesus, He is situated at the right hand of the Majesty in the Heavenly. Heb. 8:1, 1 Tim. 2:5 Though a comparison is made, there is really no comparison between the old and the new. Christ our true High Priest is serving in the true Tabernacle. One established and built by the Lord. Like shadows cast by the rising sun, the sacrifices under the Law were but a shadow of that which is reality. The physical Temple was but a replica, a copy of that which is genuine. The real Temple is spiritual, it is in the heavens and is eternal. Heb. 8:5 

THAT WHICH MAN BUILT WAS ONLY AN IMAGE OF THE REAL. It is not possible that the Lord will ever acknowledge another Tabernacle or Temple established in Jerusalem, or else where. The sacrifice of animals for religious purposes is completely contrary to the will of the Lord. The Lord asks the question, Where is the house that ye build unto me? Isa. 66:1 Indeed, where is it? When the Lord has created all that exists in this world and has provided the perfect sacrifice, His Son, where is there a need for further sacrifices? Isa. 66: 2-3 A rebuilt Temple and restored sacrifices are the ultimate insult to the Lord, and to the truth of the Word. The once for all sacrifice of Christ is sufficient for all of time and for all who have lived in time. Heb. 10:10 How positively and so very definitely the scriptures declare the impossibility of the removal of sin, under the sacrifices of the Law. Can never, is the word. Heb. 10:11 Christ offered one, single sacrifice unto God and was fully accepted and sat down at the right hand of God. Heb. 10:12 Christ, by His one offering has sanctified and perfected, forever those who believe in Him. Heb. 10:14 With the offering of His own blood, He has entered into the true Most Holy Place. Where He has obtained eternal redemption for us, not temporarily or until next time we have sinned, but, everlasting and complete forgiveness and redemption for us. Heb. 9:12 Having thoroughly accomplished the will of the Father with His one time sacrifice, the offering of Himself, there is no longer a need for daily sacrifices. He has perfectly supplied the demands of the Lord for a true sacrifice. This He did once. Heb. 7:27 This perfect high priest, the Lord Jesus is accounted as being holy, without fault or blame, clean and pure. Sinless, He knew no sin. Never committed sin of any sort. Exalted, by His Father into the highest and holiest of heavens. Heb. 7:26 His sacrifice, His mediation between God and man the only acceptable way. The Father engineered it. The Son fulfilled the requirements necessary for a perfect sacrifice. Now the Holy Spirit make it to be real and effective in our lives.

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