Monday, December 01, 2003 (42)


Abideth a priest continually. The priesthood of the Melchisedec who met Abram is one that is enduring. It remains, eternally. It is a continuing and a continual priesthood, in other words one which knows no consummation. Beautiful language used here to show the perpetuity of the ministry found in the priesthood of Melchisedec/Christ. It is the one and only priesthood which abides, remains and is continual. ever active, ever present. Heb. 7:3 This is the priesthood of the OATH OF GOD. Jesus was to be an eternal priest after the order of Melchisedec. Of necessity, the office and the person must be of equal status. The position is that of Melchsidec, while the person occupying that office is the Lord Jesus. Therefore they had to be one and the same person. There is only one Lord Jesus Christ, one faithful high priest who is eternal. This man Jesus/Melchisedec has an unchangeable priesthood. It is one, which unlike the Levitical, cannot be passed on or transferred to another person. That would require that one single person be responsible for the priesthood of Melchisedec and that person is the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Now consider how great this man was. Abram was a man of considerable stature and power. His capability in battle was demonstrated in his defeat of the five kings. He was well respected and honored by those of his generation. It is a statement of the actions of Abram which could easily be overlooked, perhaps some would prefer it to be that way. However. it is evident that Abram felt himself to be in the presence of one greater than himself. He gave him tithes of all. Gen. 14:20 Thus instituting a practice and system of giving which preceded the Law. Jacob, on his encounter with the Lord promised to tithe. It very definitely accompanies a spiritual awakening in the life of the individual. It was then incorporated into the Law and a tithe of everything was to be brought. Lev. 27:30 Jesus placed His seal of approval on tithing. Luke 11:42 It was the responsibility of the Levitical priest to receive the tithe of the people as a part of his office. But in this case one who was not of the descent of Levi received tithes of Abram. Furthermore, Melchisedec blessed Abram, the possessor of the promises. Abram was now in the full and complete will of the Lord, he had the promises and the blessing. Without any contradiction, certainly strong and positive language, the lesser [Abram] was blessed by the greater [Melchisedec]. That makes Melchisedec to be of greater stature than Abram. It must also be noted that the Levitical tithe was collected by men who die, but in the case of Melchisedec/Jesus it is witnessed that he liveth. Heb. 7:8 This is not a hidden spiritual mystery. Repeatedly the Word makes reference to the truth that Melchisedec could be none other that the Lord Jesus Christ. The witness and testimony concerning this man, Melchisedec is overwhelming. Surely the account would not have been recorded in the Word were it not that the Lord is showing us something that is of importance to Him.

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