Tuesday, November 11, 2003 (28)

JESUS WILL RETURN IN GREAT GLORY, THE GLORY OF THE LORD. The glory of the Lord is what heaven is, a glory which permeates every thing and every one in that kingdom. It is the radiant, visible shining forth of His splendor and Majesty. Even with the giving of the Law, the glory of the Lord became highly visible to all of Israel in the wilderness. The glory of the Lord covered mount Sinai. Ex. 24:16 That we might have some conception of the glory which was visible to them a description is given in Ex. 24:17. While the burning, flaming glory of the Lord is most pleasant, marvelous and enlivening it is completely nondestructive, unless it appears in judgment. Then that which is such a great blessing, the glory of the Lord, becomes utter destruction for the people of the world and all its cities and buildings. 2 Thes. 1:8 Rev. 16:19 The only thing that it will destroy in the individual who comes under its influence is carnality in that person. However to the human eye it is seen as a conflagration of great destruction. The sight of the glory was like a devouring fire on the top of the mountain. It must have appeared to them like a great volcano, erupting and spewing out lava, flaming, burning and pouring out smoke. An awesome sight, yet Moses went up into the mountain. When he returned from off the mountain the glory of the Lord had literally saturated him. His being shined with the glory of the Lord which he had absorbed. The children of Israel and even his family dare not get close to him. Ex. 34:30 It became necessary for him to wear a vail, hiding the glory from Israel. Ex. 34:35 This was certainly a prophetic act showing that the glory of Christ would be hidden from Israel. He came to his own, but His own received Him not. John 1:11 

HE REVEALS AND SHARES HIS GLORY. He revealed His true inner self and Deity to His special disciples on the mount of transfiguration. An instantaneous metamorphosis transpired and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun. Now, we are seeing the same glory which was resident in Moses. So strong is that glory within Christ that His clothing became as white as the light. Mat. 17:2 NIV Mark adds that His clothing became dazzling white, whiter than any fuller on earth could bleach them. Mark 9:3 NIV. Luke records that His clothing became as bright as a flash of lightning. Luke 9:29 NIV The two men from heaven who came and had fellowship with Him, Moses and Elijah appeared in glorious splendor. NIV The happenings on this mountain were of high visibility and a condition which would command their immediate attention and wonder. Considering these wonderful and glorious events we are able to arrive at some conception of what the glory of the Lord is like. Even so, the completeness of all His splendor escapes us, for His glory is very excellence itself. The majesty of who and what the Lord is will only be fully comprehended when we see Him face to face, as in the case of Moses. Jesus will have a Bride like unto Himself, filled and clothed with His glory.

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