Monday, November 03, 2003 (22)

GOD WAS IN CHRIST. What a beautifully made, straight forward statement for the Apostle to make. It is loaded with the truth of the Word. It is one powerful declaration and yet so simple as to who and what Jesus Christ is as Deity. 2 Cor. 5:19 It tells us of the need that the Lord has to be reconciled with His creation. The agony of separation that He feels, and His great desire to bring man into fellowship with Himself by means of reconciliation, by blood. The blood of His only begotten Son. Also the intercession of a mediator who would complete understand the needs of both sides and would be able to reconcile them. 

GOD APPEARED ON THE SCENE. The mystery of the Godhead is beyond human comprehension. It can only be understood by a full and complete spiritual revelation as to the being of God. Of this we may be certain, God is not only from everlasting to everlasting but He was born into this world in the person of the Lord Jesus. He possessed a human body. He lived, He spoke, He wrought miracles, He bled on a cruel cross, He died and was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father and is now in seated at the right hand of the majesty on high. All this because the Lord sought the companionship of mankind. There is a mutual need, not only do we desperately need Him, but in His wise purposes He needs us. As there is a longing in our hearts for Him, so there is in His heart a great desire for those who believe on Him and follow Him. 1 Tim. 3:16 

UNPARALLED UNITY AND INDIVISIBILITY. Even so, found to be diverse and expressed consistently in the scriptures as being Triune. Sharing together all the attributes and character that makes God to be God. Nevertheless, each manifesting the works, the status and the ranking which is theirs, individually. John 5:17 Perfect and absolute concord was experienced in the works of the Father and the works of the Son, for the Son performed the works that He saw His Father do. His works have not yet reached their climax. For our day, for the end of the age there are still greater works to be performed. John 5:19-20 As the Father possesses the power of resurrection, so He has given to the Son to have the identical power. John 5:21 Jesus is the resurrection and the life. John 11:25 All the power and capabilities of the Father were surrendered to the Lord Jesus. Ultimate judgment has likewise been given to the Son. All will stand before the Lord Jesus and give an account for the deeds done in the flesh. John 5:22 Praise, worship and adoration given to the Son is equal to that which is given to the Father. The Father rejoices in every act of reverence given to the Son. There are no feelings of superiority, envy or competition to be found in the Godhead. Magnify the Father, the Son is magnified. Glorify the Son, the Father is glorified. John 5:23 An exceeding precious unity and blending together which may only be comprehended by the Word and the revelation afforded us by the Spirit of the Lord.

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