Tuesday, January 27, 2004 (81)

AN ACT OF GOD. Jesus or Joshua (Heb.) was not an uncommon name for that day. It is still widely used in some countries, perhaps with the idea that anyone bearing that name would be blest. However, God went beyond giving Him a mere earthly name and bestowed on Him the name of very God, the Lord Jesus Christ. He was not just Jesus, which is wonderful in all of its good and excellent implications, but God made Him to be both Lord and Christ. In doing so, the full authority of the name of God was bestowed upon Him. A name is the source of identification. In this case all the power, all the rule, all the strength, all the control, all the supremacy of that glorious and wonderful name was imparted to Him. He had a blank check to act in that name. Acts 2:36 Note how fully complete authority had been delegated to Him. He was able to say, All authority in heaven and earth has been given unto me. Mt. 28:18 This was a performance of pure and absolute love and shows the implicit trust and confidence that exist between the Father and the Son. John 3:35 Not only is Jesus the Savior and redeemer but it is His responsibility to be the Judge, all judgment is committed to Him. John 5:22 There is a day in His court which will be faced by each and every individual born into this world. It is an inescapable fact that one way or another we will all stand before Him to give an account for our acceptance or rejection of the Savior/Judge. 2 Cor. 5:10 The choice is ours, we may stand before the Judge now, in full confession of our sin and find that there is absolute pardon, now, with none in the future or we may ignore the summons to appear before Him with the certain knowledge that we shall stand before Him, eventually. There is no way that it can be avoided. There will be no forgiveness in that day, only a sentence of eternal judgment. 1 Tim. 5:24 With that position of trust and responsibility is to be found the great honor that is afforded one of such character. He is to be honored equally with His Father. Those who do not give honor to the Son cannot honor the Father. Once again showing the perfect interconnection that exists in the Godhead. John 5:22-23 Every knee, every tongue, giving honor to and confessing that, He, Jesus Christ [The Messiah, the anointed one] is Lord. There will not be a tongue be it that of a human. angel or devil that will not be involved. The whole of the heavenly realm, the earthly and of the dead will be involved in this moment of time where judgment is meted out to all who rejected Jesus as both Lord and Christ. This is the good pleasure of the Father and is a moment where glory and honor is given to Him. Phil. 2:10-11 The pride of the Father in His Son is well demonstrated in the scriptures. The Father has orally stated that this Jesus is the joy and love of His heart. The Father took great pleasure in Him. Mt. 3:17 This Jesus was and ever will be exalted above all. He perfectly and completely accomplished the excellent will of the Father, in all things. His example should be a constant challenge to us. The same powers and abilities to live the life He lived are made available to all who would serve Him and walk with Him. We can do it. We can be like Him.

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