Monday, January 19, 2004 (75)

THE RICHES OF HIS GLORY. Stated to be a mystery, and indeed it is. To see the consummate purpose of the Lord in His redeemed is an amazing thing. To think that He could take such useless, weak material as man and make it into His Temple is utterly astonishing. But that is the entire purpose of His coming into the world. He came seeking a people who would fully worship Him and be totally committed to Him. The riches of all riches is, Christ in you the hope of glory. Col. 1:27 The indwelling presence of the Christ, the anointing will work in the life of the believer to cause them to realize the absolute will of the Lord in them. The goal of the Apostle was to present every man, perfect in Christ Jesus. Col. 1:28 This becomes a challenge to the whole of the church. Can the church reach the perfection that is in Christ Jesus? 

THE CHURCH, A FAILURE OR VICTORIOUS? The Lord will not present His people with a challenge that is impossible to be accomplished. He has made ample preparation to bring His bride to perfection, which is His desire for her. The church is not for the five fold ministry but the ministry is a gift to the church to guide and direct her to perfection. The ministry is to work for the edification of the church and not for whatever benefit there is in it for themselves. An unselfish ministry of love and devotion is required. With one aim in mind and that is to lead the church to a status where she is made like unto Christ. Completed and thoroughly furnished for the eternal occupancy of the Lord. Eph. 4:11-12 Paul, in his day, carried a tremendous feeling of responsibility and a burden for the church. Note the expression of this responsibility which he felt. He said that he labored, meaning that he worked hard and became fatigued in his efforts for the kingdom. Moreover, he found himself agonizing, striving, in a struggle to guide the church to her proper status in Christ. We also not, that this was a spiritual warfare, for the desire of Christ was working in him, mightily. In other words with force and power. Col. 1:29 The same kind of minister is needed in the church today. Those who will labor for the benefit of the church. To bring it to perfection. 

WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT. To bring a people together who embrace the pure Word of the Lord. Unified in one doctrine and belief. To develop a group of saints who possess complete knowledge of the Son of God. Fully understanding and comprehending Him. A people in whom the Word has had an effect producing perfection in living the life of Christ. The standards of Christian living have not been presented to us in the Word, in vain. There will be a group of saints who live it! These are to be identical to Christ. They will have reached His stature Spiritually in every degree. They are like Him. Eph. 4:13 They will have received and become the habitation of the fullness of Christ. The grand and glorious purpose of the Lord is evidenced in these people. Strive to be a part of them.

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