Wednesday, November 05, 2003 (24)

THE FIRST ADAM. The first man, Adam was created to be a living, vital human. He was created a natural man, of the earth, earthy, and soulish. The beginning of the race of man. The first of those destined to inhabit this earth. He was to procreate and fill the earth with those of his kind. Authority over all other life on the planet was relegated to him. Adam bore the image, the form, the likeness of the Lord who created him, but not His spiritual nature. Gen. 1:27-28 He created Adam on the sixth day. Six is the number of man. The number of the days of the offspring of the first Adam are limited to six days or six thousand years. 2 Pet. 3:8 Beyond that, man, that is the fleshly descendants of the first Adam are not to be found on the earth as living beings. Mans days are numbered, not only as individuals but as inhabitants of the earth. Ps. 90:12 The ungodly will not be found in the Millennial reign of Christ on this earth, during the seventh day. There will be one immense and complete purging of sinners from the earth. As the Son of Man He will commission His angels to go through the earth and harvest all offensive and iniquitous individuals from His kingdom. Mt. 13:41 All sinners will be destroyed by fire when He comes taking vengeance on them that know not God. 2 Thes. 1:8 When the Lamb comes in wrath all sinners, great and small will cry for a welcome death for they think that in that fashion they can hide from the Lord Jesus. Rev. 6:15-27 

THE SON OF MAN, THE LAST ADAM. Jesus is the last Adam in the sense that He is the spiritual man. The ultimate of the great plan of salvation and redemption. What a contrast between the First and the Last. The first, that living soul could possess life, only for himself. The Last, not only possessed the same life that was in the First, but the Last, was made a life giving spirit that produced eternal life, and shared it with the whosoever, all those who would respond. 1 Cor. 15:45 As the Son of Man, He announced His Lordship. Proclaiming Himself to be Lord. He superseded the Law and its commandments, for He fulfilled them. Something that no other man has ever been able to do. He was not in bondage to a day but was Lord over all and every day. Mt. 12:8 To demonstrate His Lordship, He forgave the palsied man of his sin and healed him at one and the same time. Mt. 9:6 He is Lord over sin and conquerors the sin element in man. Forgiving him and cleansing him from all sin. He came to this world with the explicit purpose of saving mankind. Mt. 18:11 As the Son of Man, He is the only way to eternal life. It is a gift that is proffered to each and every man, woman, boy and girl. The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to a knowledge of everlasting life. God the Father has certified and fully verified the truth that all future life is to be found in the Son of Man. John 6:27 How foolish it is to spend our whole life seeking after the perishables of this life, when He is offering a life that never ends. Life in the Spirit of the Lord. Life real life to be spent in a New Heavens and a New Earth, where righteousness prevails. Jesus is the Son of Man, He is Deity.

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