Friday, November 14, 2003 (31)

A VERY IMPORTANT WORK OF GOD. He made Jesus to be both Lord and Christ. In this manner Jesus was exalted and separated from all others who might bear the same name. With the impartation of the names, Lord and Christ came all the authority and might that is incorporated in those names. This was a firm and positive declaration to the house of Israel concerning this Jesus whom they had crucified. Acts 2:36 How fully and completely the Father had committed all God like influence and control into His hands is evident in the scriptures. Because of the Fathers great love, that absolute perfect love, the Father gave all things into the hands of Jesus. John 3:35 That covenant involved all power for both heaven and earth. Mat. 28:18 The inhabitants of the world are to be judged according to the standards which were evident in the life of the Lord Jesus. Without Him, who could possibly measure up to Him, meeting the divine requirements that have been established by Him. There is nothing haphazard with the Lord. He has already established (set, predetermined) a day when He will judge the people of the world, by Christ Jesus. Jesus is both, the rod of measurement and the judge. He is also the advocate of all who love and serve Him. WOW! Talk about having an inside with the man. Acts 17:31 

THE NAME LORD. Names are very important in our society. We are identified and conduct our lives and businesses by the usage of our names. The true and living God is known by His name. There are a great multiplicity of things, and beings, existent and nonexistent, material and immaterial which are called gods. Most of them are identified by a name of some sort. How important it is that we recognize His name and use His name when we approach Him, whether in praise or prayer. We are exhorted to do all things in word or deed, in the name of the Lord Jesus. That would mean that throughout the entire day our thoughts and acts would be committed in His wonderful name. Certainly there would be some things which would not be done for we could not justify doing them in His name. Col. 3:17 Totally involving Him in our daily life and all decisions would assure us of walking and living according to His will. Prov. 3:6 The name of Jesus is the power and authority that has been delegated to the believer to cast out devils. It is not a complicated formula that must be uttered, but the simple prayer to the Lord Jesus and command to the evil spirit to depart in the name of Jesus. Acts 16:18 The man, lame from his birth, sitting daily at the gate called Beautiful was healed and brought to perfect soundness by the name and his faith in the name of Jesus Christ. Acts 3:16 It is crucial to our spiritual well being and growth that we properly understand the importance and value of the name of the Lord. He has proclaimed His name to be LORD [Jehovah]. All that He is, and all of His nature and attributes are made manifest through His name. Isa. 42:8 To really know Him is to know and appreciate His wonderful and marvelous name.

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