Tuesday, November 18, 2003 (32-33)

JESUS, IS LORD. The name LORD capitalized in the King James Version is the name JEHOVAH in the Hebrew language. It identifies Him as the Eternal, Everlasting, Self-existent God. The one who always has been and always will be. He and He alone IS, being alive at any given moment of eternity or time. He is very existence itself. He is life. Aside from Him life could not exist. All life is utterly dependent upon the LORD. He is the source of ALL and that which sustains ALL life, Be it plant life or human life. There is no life outside of Him. Paul made it very plain that by Him all things consist. The continuance of life is fully dependent on Him. Be it natural life or spiritual life, He is LIFE. Col. 1:17 On Mars Hill Paul stated that in Him, we have life. In Him, we move about, go about our daily activities. In Him, we have our being, or very existence and ability to be a living person. Like it or not, ALL life it totally dependent on the LORD. Acts 17:28 It is the LORD JESUS who upholds all things. The status quo of the universe is in His hands. The cohesion of all that is, and pertains to life is maintained by Him. The harmony of life is perpetuated by the power, the dynamite, which is called the WORD. Heb. 1:3 The WORD created it, the WORD keeps is and when it is time, the WORD will destroy it. Not man with an atom or a hydrogen bomb. The events which will take place on and with the earth in destruction are reserved by the LORD for His own actions. 

THE LORD VISITED ABRAHAM. In many wonderful ways the LORD has chosen to reveal Himself, His nature and character. In this instance it is a personal visit by three men who are called the LORD. Gen. 18:1 This was one of those very special moments when heavenly messengers were entertained. Heb. 13:2 It was the LORD by whom the promise was given pertaining to the birth of Isaac. It was the LORD who renewed and revived the bodies of Abraham and Sarah enabling them to bear a son. It was as the LORD that He disclosed to Abraham that the LORD was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorra. Gen. 18 In this visitation and revelation the Triunity of the Godhead is to be seen. This name LORD is a shared name. While it is the name of the Father, He has seen fit that it is also to be a name which is called upon the Son and the Spirit. Plainly, in the prophetic utterance of Isaiah, it is the Father who commissioned His Son to be the Covenant of Salvation. The Father said, I am the Lord, that is my name. Isa. 42: 6-8 As most all things are shared and shared alike in the Godhead, so the name of the Father was given by Him to His Son. The name and the equality of authority involved in that name, were imparted to the Lord Jesus. Phil. 2:11 Likewise, to the Holy Spirit was to be delegated the power and authority of that name. The glory of the Lord originating with the Father is conveyed to us by His Spirit. This come from, the Lord, who is the Spirit. Where His Spirit is Lord, there is certainty be full and absolute victory. 2 Cor. 3:17 In this sharing of His name we once again get a glimpse into the terrific unity which is God.

JESUS. His name is the equivalent of Joshua, in the Old Testament. His name was given Him as a prophetic name. A name which would show His purpose and ministry in coming into the world. He is the savior of the world. There is not another name which is effectual for the forgiveness of sin. Jesus is the only name of salvation. Acts 4:12 The early church had great confidence in His name, praying that in the name of Jesus, healings, signs and wonders might be performed. Acts 4:30 The effectiveness of using the name of Jesus is highly obvious by the results. The power of the Lord was so mightily present that the place was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. The declaration of the Word came forth in all clarity, frankness and boldness. Truly anointed of the Spirit. Acts 2:31 He has given us His name to use in prayer. Learn to utilize that name, exercising the power and authority that accompanies that name. We speak of God, and well we might God is, and is mighty. But, the term God has become so ambiguous and could mean most any god, even the gods of the religious heathen of this world. When we call upon and declare the name of Jesus we are specifying the true and the living Lord. There is only one God, not the multiplicity of gods which are in the world. There is but one mediator between God and man and it is the man Jesus. Only one, religionist have many but there is but ONE. 1 Tim. 2:5 

JESUS, THE SINLESS ONE. It is impossible for any other to meet the Divine standard which the Father established for a sacrifice. The sacrificial offerings of the Law were well inspected. They must be without spot or blemish. They were only types and symbols of the true sacrifice which the Lord Himself would provide. From the cradle to the cross He did not commit sin nor were words of deceit ever utter by Him. 1 Pet. 2:22 Jesus, knew no sin. His whole life was without fault or blemish. Not even the hint of sin was to be found in Him. There was no sense of guilt or condemnation in Him. Such a direct opposite to all of mankind. Then He was made to be sin, for us. The totality of the sin of the entire population of the earth was cast upon Him. The immensity of the sin which was heaped upon Him and the enormity of courage and determination for Him to do this is staggering and utterly amazing. How great is His love for us. 2 Cor. 5:21 His burning desire and the drive of His actions is wonderfully and beautifully directed toward all of mankind. He now removes sin from our lives and makes us to be pure and clean, holy like Himself. The ultimate of His goal is to have a people who bear His likeness in every aspect of their Spiritual life. He will transform us to be, in Him, righteousness and true holiness. 1 Cor. 1:30 The church of today is challenged, more than at any other time of the church age to live according to the high standard which has been established for us. every weight and sin must be cast aside that we might successfully complete the race that we find ourselves in. A total consecration will assure the victory. Heb. 12:1

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