Friday, October 03, 2003 (5)

 SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. All though the action of the cross did not take place at the time of creation, in the intent and purposes of the Lord it was an accomplished fact. Christ Jesus would be the perfect Lamb. Rev. 13:8 The once for all sacrifice. The Lord, who not only possesses foreknowledge, but His whole nature is foreknowledge. It is a portion of that nature and character which makes Him to be GOD! For He, calls things that are not as though they were. Rom. 4:17 NIV. Full and complete knowledge and understanding of what is in the future is with Him. If man can plan for the future and bring his plans to a completion, how much more the Lord. The life, death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ were perfectly planned in eternity. 1 Pet. 1:20 The immortal was to be a sacrifice for the mortal. The ageless one was to die for the redemption of those condemned to die. Deity was to position Himself and be sacrificed for those who had no way of producing salvation for themselves. They are absolutely hopeless and helpless, without Christ. 

CHOSEN FROM ETERNITY. But, chosen in Him. Not because of who we are but because of who He is. Chosen at the same time that the plan of salvation was determined. Chosen with a specific goal in mind. That is, that the chosen be a people who are holy and without blame before Him is love. Eph. 1:4 The church at times loses sight of the high calling which is found in Christ Jesus. Chosen, not fulfill a casual position but to reach the ultimate of the standard which He has for His people. Lest we have the idea that it was a case of pick and choose with the Lord consider the thought which demonstrates that His death and work of redemption was for ALL MANKIND. In the sacrifice of the Lamb, the Lord was reconciling the world unto Himself. The whole of mankind. 2 Cor. 5:19 On His part, He died for all, excluding no one. All may chose to be counted with the chosen, but not all will chose to partake with the chosen. In His foreknowledge the Lord determined to call those who would believe and follow Him, the chosen, the responding, those who are believers in and accept the plan of His salvation. Peter states, that the Lord, is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance.” 2 Pet. 3:9 This certainly is witness to the truth of a salvation which is prepared and presented to all of the sons of men. How it must grieve Him to see those who reject His loving offer of forgiveness and redemption. We must not forget to include here that portion of scripture which is so well known and is foundational to our presentation of the Gospel of Christ. John 3:16 For God so loved the world. That is to the exclusion of none and the inclusion of all who are born into this world. The difference between the chosen and those not chosen is a matter of the choice made by the individual. He has given to us the ability to chose or reject Him. What a serious and awesome thought. If you have made a positive choice and follow Him, you may rejoice. If you have not chosen to follow Him, there is no better time than now!

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