Thursday, November 27, 2003 (40)


Melchisedec is the king, the sovereign of righteousness. The word of the Lord proclaims His righteousness. Isa. 45:23 Jesus is that righteous Branch of the lineage of David. He is also named, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Displaying beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus/Melchisedec are one and the same. Jer. 23:5-6 Moreover, He intends to include His Bride in all of His benefits. She too will bear that name and with it embrace all the blessings that are involved. She, shall be called, The LORD our righteousness. His Bride, those of His kingdom will reflect and manifest all that He is in His nature and character. Jer. 33:16 All the kings, the political leaders, presidents and potentates who have ruled, however long their reign has been, It is only temporary. While that of Christ is eternal and everlasting. They have governed but He has been in control. He is noted as being the ruler over the kings of the earth. Rev. 1:5 The authority which is governing is ordained of God. However much we may dislike them and perhaps even want to resist them. They are still under the control of the Kings of all rulers. Rom. 13:1 Jesus is, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Rev. 19:16 

He is the King of Salem (Peace). Which is interpreted to mean King of Peace. It is not in reference to a particular city of which He might have been its King. If we need a place of origin for Him, then how about the city which Abraham sought, whose builder and maker was God. That which is eternal in the heavens. 2 Cor. 5:1 It is Isaiah who introduces Him as the Prince of Peace, More than a title this is a name invoked upon Him. One of those prophetic names which will give insight into His nature, character and ministry. Isa. 9:6 He wins, by peace. Mk. 4:39 Because He is Peace, He is capable of giving peace to each and everyone who will come to Him, regardless of the problem they face. John 14:27 Those who are spiritually minded are they who are filled with His peace. Rom. 8:6 He is the God of peace. Dispensing peace into each and every heart that will follow Him. Rom. 15:33 He is the Lord of peace, the source of all peace and tranquillity. 2 Thes. 3:16 

He is without father [Gr. Apator]. Heb. 7:3 Not having an earthly father He could not have existed as an earthly, human person. This further strengthens the fact that He had to be one who originated from another, a spiritual environment. His eternal position was as the Logos, the Word. Not until He was born of the virgin Mary did God become His Father and Jesus became the Son of God. Luke 1:35 

Without mother [Ametor]. The fact that He was motherless attests to the actuality that He did not possess a human body, therefore was not of the element of the earth, earthy. He was the Lord from heaven. Each and every test that is applied adds to the strength of the Spiritual status of this person Melchisedec. In the scriptures it is not at all unusual for the Lord to assume the form of a man in order to appear and give a message to a person. There are several such instances.

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