Thursday, December 11, 2003 (50)

WILL REAL CHRISTIANS FACE THE UNGODLY TRIAD? The dragon represents satan himself, who will give his power and authority to the antichrist. Rev. 13:2 The beast to whom the dragon delegates his position is the antichrist who is to rule and reign on the earth. Rev. 13:4 The third member of this unwholesome counterfeit deity is the false prophet. Rev. 13:11 There are three scriptures which mention conflict between this wicked force of evil and those who belong to the Lord. This is positive confirmation that there will be saints who face his wrath. He will be permitted to make war with the saints. Rev. 13:7 This will take place during the span of the reign of the antichrist on this earth. The third portion of scripture which places some, but not all Christians, entering into the tribulation. When the woman of Revelation twelve is removed from harm and danger and the dragon has been unsuccessful in his attack on her, he turns to the remnant of the woman seed to attack and kill them. Rev. 12:17 Of necessity this places some saints on the earth who will be found in the great tribulation period. This group of saints are seen again as they who came out of great tribulation and are relegated to a special place in the kingdom of our Lord. Rev. 7:13 Then there are the two witnesses who give testimony of the Lord Jesus during the entire tribulation period and are overcome and murdered at the conclusion of the same. Rev. 11:7 The woman, the Bride is delivered. She alone will not go through the tribulation period. An escape enjoyed only by the Bride. Regardless of having prophesied and cast out devils, having done wondrous works, some who say Lord, Lord will enter the tribulation. Pathetic, but toying and playing with spiritual things will have its judgment. Mt. 7:21-23 

WOLVES COVERED WITH SHEEPSKINS. Jesus identified them as being false prophets. So white, so smooth, so soft on the outside but within that beastly nature of a ferocious wolf prevails, hardly able to contain themselves awaiting the moment when they can bite, tear and destroy the true sheep. Mt. 7:15 In his discourse at Miletus, Paul indicated that the problems would arise from within the church, even from your own number. Acts 20:30 Judas participated together with all the others at the Passover Feast. It is there that Jesus spoke to him and revealed him as the one who would betray him. Mt. 26:25-26 Peter warned of false prophets and teachers of falsehoods who would enter in among the people. Bringing in heresies, among which is a denial of Jesus as the Christ or Deity. Many will follow their wicked ways. Filled with greed they make merchandise of the people. While their judgment is certain, they will first have destroyed many sheep. 2 Pet. 2:1-3 The false prophet has all the power and authority of his predecessor, the first beast. He has the ability to cause all the peoples of the earth to worship the first beast. His purpose in executing his office is to exalt the antichrist and to cause the nations to come into submission to him. Not only in a political manner but spiritually as well. Rev. 13:12

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