Wednesday, October 15, 2003 (13)

JESUS CONFESSED HIMSELF TO BE THE SON OF GOD. In His statement, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. The Jews were quick to note the implication of His words and respond to them in a negative fashion. For, to them, He was, making Himself equal with God. John 5:17-18 Again, we see their response in John 10:36 where they say, thou being a man, makest thyself God. It is very obvious that they were much aware of His every word and well understood the implications of them. Jesus did not deny the truth of any of His words. After His death burial and resurrection, Thomas, who had doubted His appearance to the other disciples acknowledged Him as, my Lord and my God. It was an honest confession coming no doubt from a repentant, yet a very joyous heart. John 20:28 Then there is the admission of the Centurion as he saw all that which took place at Calvary. Surely this was the Son of God. Mt. 27:54 

MY FATHER AND I ARE ONE. A most difficult statement for men to understand. We seem to be prone to slip to one extreme or the other in trying to understand the blessed unity which exists in the Godhead. Jesus meant exactly what He said in making this statement. There is close alliance and absolutely perfect unity between the Father and the Son. So much so that in all areas they work as one. John 10:30 Greek word he is is used here, and may be translated as meaning one (another). The implication is that there are more than one, becoming one. The thought of one (unity) being more than one (numerically) yet one (unity) is seen in the words of the Lord Jesus. In His prayer He prayed for His people that they, being however many, would be made perfect in one (unity). That unity would be accomplished by the absolute perfect unity of the Father being in the Lord Jesus and Jesus being in His people. John 17:23 The same thought is presented in the words of Paul when speaking in relationship to the body of Christ, or the church. He said, So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Rom. 12:5 Only the Lord knows the multitudes that comprise the body of Christ, but there is only one body, made up of many members. Many become one. The absolute unity that is to exist in that body may be understood by Pauls words in verse sixteen. One mind and one mouth with which to glorify the Lord. That is a unity that will be seen in the perfect church in these last days. The unity of the many members of the body will be achieved through the Lord, who is one Spirit. 1 Cor. 6:17 There is but one God, the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ and we are to be in Him. Numerically they are individuals, but in unity one. 1 Cor. 8:6 The many membered body, is but one body. United and made one by the one Spirit who has caused us to be baptized into the body of Christ. 1 Cor. 12:12-13 The racial, the doctrinal difference that periodically are manifest in the church cannot exist in the body of Christ. There is not even the hint of a divisive spirit ever to be found in the true church. They are all one in Christ. Gal. 3:28 The Lord has some very high standards for His church in these last days.

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