Wednesday, October 01, 2003 (3)

THE WORD WAS. There could have been no beginning without the WORD. It was absolutely essential for creation. The WORD was with God. In this fashion the perfect fellowship and unity which exists in the Godhead is expressed. A harmony of purpose that supersedes the ability of the natural mind to conceive. Only by the WORD, and the revelation of the Spirit illuminating that WORD may the relationship of God in His Triunity be understood. For, that WORD was God. A simple statement, yet freighted with profound meaning, for God cannot be separated from His WORD. John 1:1 The WORD was of prime necessity for the creation of all things. Without Him there could have been no creation. The WORD was positively essential for creation to be accomplished. John 1:3 

THE WORD ITSELF BECAME A PART OF CREATION. Somewhere in the works of the Lord it may be discovered that He always imparts His very own nature. For instance, the breath which we breathe. In the Hebrew the word is, {ruach, air, breath, wind, spirit}, all of which are fundamental to all life on earth. Dare we say that air does not exist? We cannot taste it, see it or smell it yet it surrounds the whole of our earth. Our air or atmosphere also surrounds us with a protective covering from meteorites and harmful rays of the sun. Without air, the earth would be silent. Sounds travel through the air, thus words (The WORD) is heard. The nature of our creator became the atmosphere in which we live. Apart from the Lord, neither natural nor spiritual life can exist. Mankind, whether they want to admit it or not are totally dependent on Him. We live, move and have our existence in Him. Acts 17:28 That which was, and was with God, and was God became flesh, a human being, born, cradled and grew to manhood just like all of mankind. John 1:14 

AMAZING GRACE. What astonishing humility. What laying aside of rank and splendor. How incomprehensible His great love. What a tremendous power and drive which would motivate that precious, glorious WORD to take an action such as this. Sufficient to become a man and to dwell in flesh capable of sin. But no, He must become a Lamb and become the sacrifice of all sacrifices. The very best of heaven and earth came, explicitly, to become the only redeemer. The sinless one, from eternity, was made, compelled by love and devotion to His purpose, to bear the guilt, the shame, the reproach, the condemnation, the judgment of sin on our behalf. With the specific goal of making those who would receive Him as Lord and Savior to become and possess the righteousness of God, in Him. 2 Cor. 5:21 The sinless one became the greatest sinner, that all great sinners might become fully righteous. Not only was the WORD made flesh, but it became Alpha and Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. He is the alphabet, that which developed into writing and communication. That alphabet became a written WORD. The source of the knowledge of who and what that living WORD is. Most assuredly the WORD is living among us today.

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