Monday, February 02, 2004 (85)

WHAT MANNER OF MAN IS THIS. Words of amazement came even from those who were closest to Him. What kind or of what sort or even of what country is this man? These whom He had chosen to be His disciples and Apostles. They had followed Him wherever He had gone and were constantly beholding His mighty works. Yet they marveled that even the elements of nature were in subjection to Him. Mt. 8:27 During the short three and one-half year ministry of Jesus there are some thirty-five miracles attributed to Him. There is, of course strong evidence that these were but a small portion of the vast number of mighty works wrought by Him. John 21:25 When He stated that all power was given unto Him it was no misstatement. Mt. 28:18 

WHEN JESUS COMMANDED IT WAS ACCOMPLISHED. Water was turned into wine. This was the very first of His miracles, the beginning. Prior to this moment in His life He had not demonstrated the mighty power of the Lord which was resident in Him. This was the very first. John 2:11 There were no inconclusive or unplanned events in the life of Christ. All were done with the deliberate determination of the Lord. How fitting that, most conveniently there were six water pots of stone sitting there in the place of the wedding. Water represents the Holy Spirit. Six is the number of man. These water pots were of stone in contrast to clay. They were carved, symbolic of the carving and shaping of our lives into the Life of Christ. The church is composed of lively stones. They were duplicated after the pots of the water of purification. The Lord will purify His church. In ordinary, everyday use they were filled with two firkins of water, but on special occasion they were filled with three firkins of water. The Lord would fill us to the brim with His very own presence. We are coming to the conclusion of the sixth day, each of a thousand year duration. The time allotted man, from Adam to the second coming of Christ. At the conclusion of the six thousand years the vessels will be filled to the full. We will see a Christian of such a nature and power as has never been seen before. The Lord has revival for His church in the end of the age. Before He visits in wrath, He will manifest the greatness of His mercy. Astonishingly, what had been water was now turned into a fine wine of exquisite taste. The Master of the wedding feast was called to order because this transformed water was far better than that which they had been served. Wine is always a type of the joy of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The water is about to be turned into wine, the best has been reserved for the last. Lets not forget that this miracle, His very first was performed at a wedding. There has to be a Word from the Lord contained in the circumstances under which it was performed. He is soon to become a Bridegroom and is as excited about it as any Bridegroom who is in love would be. He has had a wedding on His mind for a long time now. Just consider in His teaching how many references there are to weddings. He has a wedding on His heart. John 2:6-10

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