Monday, January 12, 2004 (70)

BY VIRTUE OF HIS NAME, JESUS IS GOD. It was that very special angel who appeared to the shepherds, most likely those to whom it was assigned to watch the temple flocks, and made known the name of the Son of God. This name is most important for identifies, beyond a shadow of doubt, that this Savior [Jesus], is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 To those gathered on the day of Pentecost, Peter by the inspiration of the Spirit was to publish the Deity of Jesus by the name that the Father had bestowed upon Him. The Father, God, had made this same Jesus both Lord and Christ. In order for there to be no doubt as to the person of whom he is speaking, He is singled out to be the one whom they had crucified. Acts 2:36 The Father took His name and conferred it upon His Son and with it imparted to Jesus all that the Father is in His Being. The name Christ was also given at the same time for all that is found in the character and nature of the Christ, the Spirit, the anointing was to be evidenced in Jesus. Jesus alone, uniquely is the physical embodiment of God. He is the result of the visitation of the seed, the Word being planted in the womb of a virgin. Having been born of the Lord, His body was prepared to be the human receptacle of the fullness of very God Himself. This was the intent and good pleasure of the Father, that in Him should ALL FULNESS dwell. Col. 1:19 Remember the Father had sealed and verified the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, by His own proclamation when He said, This is my beloved Son in whom I am WELL PLEASED, hear ye Him. It was stated at His baptism. Mt. 3:17 Also at His transfiguration. Mt. 17:5 Mark 9:7 Luke 9:35 It is further stated that the completeness of God is housed in the corporeal body of Jesus the Son of God. Col. 2:9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form. NIV. 

THE FATHER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT REMAIN UNCHANGED. The fact that the completeness of the Godhead is resident in the Lord Jesus does not, in the slightest way, alter their status or standing. Only one time was that matchless, marvelous union broken and that was at Calvary where Jesus took upon Himself our sin, our sickness. Because He who had never sinned became sin for us, God forsook Him, leaving Him void of all that had been His, eternally. The cry of the Cross is that of a man who is completely emptied of all that is Godlike. While He uttered the words, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? Mt. 27:46 It is really the cry of every human being who is outside of the blessed salvation purchased for us by His death and the shedding of Jesus precious blood. The real agony of the cross was in taking the place of every sinner and experience the extreme anguish of those who are eternally lost. The pathos, the vast emptiness of every lost soul was upon Him. The sinless, the perfect was made to be sin, not just taking the place of one sinner, but becoming the wickedness and corruption of sin, in its totality. offering us a glorious exchange, His righteousness, purity, holiness and eternal life. 2 Cor. 5:21

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