Friday, January 23, 2004 (79)

BEFORE ALL, FIRST IN THE FULLEST AND STRICTEST SENSE. He is from before the creation of any kind of being, place or thing. In the foreknowledge of God, Jesus, the Fathers Son was an accomplished action from eternity. Col. 1:15 He was delivered to be the only sacrifice by the determinate counsel of God. Nothing could hinder or thwart the grand and glorious plan of the Lord. Acts 2:23 From before the foundation of the world it was foreordained that the Life of Jesus would be as it was fulfilled. He fully understood that He was foreordained to become the true sacrifice and to taste of death for every man. 1 Pet. 1:20 All things were brought into being by Him, by His word. There is nothing existing that He has not brought into existence. That includes the natural world, the Spiritual, or the political. Not only were they made by Him but for Him. Col 1:16 The whole of the universe and its contents were made for His own purposes. Prov. 16:4 We have been created for His good pleasure, especially so, those who receive and follow Him. Rev. 4:11 He is before all things, He precedes them for He is their builder and maker and the one who maintains their continuance. The whole of creation is completely dependent on Him, whether in the natural realm or the Spiritual, all rely on Him for their continued existence. He is the coherence of all. By Him, all follow the established pattern. Col. 1:17 He sustains the pillars of the earth. He keeps us safe in our orbit in the solar system. Ps. 75:3 Being the radiance of the glory of His Father and the precise representation, He keeps all things in the proper perspective by the Word of His power. Heb. 1:3 Upholding the universe by His word of power. RSV. All, complete power in heaven and on earth was given to Him. Mt. 28:18 

THE SCRIPTURES SHOW JESUS TO BE GOD. The Father addressing the Son addressed Him as God. This was done as the Father spoke of the eternal nature of the throne and of His kingdom. Heb. 1:3 Jesus, the only begotten of the Father. John 1:18 He came forth from the seed of the Father and returned again to the Father. He is essentially one with His Father. In some translations we find the words, only begotten God. AMP. Likewise, “God the One and Only. NIV. Thomas was to acknowledge Him to be God, when He called Him, My Lord and my God. John 20:28 In relationship to the anointing of the Holy Spirit He is declared to be God (the Son), who is anointed by God (Father). Heb. 1:8 This then brings us to a dual conclusion. That He is identical to His Father in every aspect. For those who saw Him were beholding the exact living replica of His Father. John 14:9 The Father was in Christ, drawing and reconciling the world unto Himself. 2 Cor. 5:19 God, who is omnipresent, in the fullness of His eternal being inhabited the physical body of the Lord Jesus. Not only was He Deity, but Deity lived within His Spirit nature in absolute oneness of purpose and mind. The unity that existed in this relationship is hard for the natural mind to receive and comprehend for it is the characteristic of the Lord. It is a mystery and must be understood by the Word and the Spirit.

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