Monday, December 08, 2003 (47)

AN AMAZING DISPLAY OF HIS DEITY. Little would one anticipate that a diminutive lamb would ever be used in revealing the very nature and being of Deity. Jesus, the Son of Man, the Son of God, very God. High and lifted up, exalted to the very highest of all that is called God and all that is life eternal. For all His everlasting splendor and glory, He is a lamb, The lamb of God. John, His forerunner on seeing Jesus approach spoke with the voice of revelation and proclaimed Jesus to be the Lamb of God, the only one who could remove, completely the sin and condemnation from the heart of every person who has ever lived in this world. John 1:29 His complete lack of retaliation toward His accusers, His submission to their wrongful and unjust treatment of Him is great evidence of the God like Spirit which dwelt within Him. He totally accomplished the words of the prophet Isaiah with His silence and refusal to contest their wrongful doings. Isa. 53:7 

AS A LAMB, JESUS FILLED A MANY FACETED OFFICE. Lambs, under the Levitical Law were frequently sacrificed for the various offerings required by the Law and as sacrifices for special days and times. Among them, the same offering was used for the dedication of the tabernacle, Num. 7:1,88 Also for the dedication of the high priest. Lev. 9:3 The crowning of Solomon. 1 Chr. 29:21, for the purification of the temple, 2 Chr. 29:21 and also for the cleansing of the leper. Lev. 14:10-25 and many other purposes. Of all the sacrifices made involving lambs there is one which is of vital importance in its symbology, that is the Passover Lamb. The Lamb was to be set aside on the tenth day of the first month. Ex. 12:3 It was hidden until the fourteenth day of that month, or for four days. A day with the Lord is as a thousand years. 2 Pet. 3:8 From Adam to Christ there were four thousand years, or four days. Ex. 12:6 Jesus, Gods Lamb was revealed at the proper time. Not only did He come in the time established by the Lord but He was crucified precisely as the Lamb was being sacrificed according to the Law. His crucifixion fit exactly into the pattern of the Passover Lamb. Even to the day and the hour of the day. Therefore it is fitting and proper that He be called the Passover Lamb. 1 Cor. 5:7 The Lord Jesus is that unblemished, the blameless Lamb. The perfect, sinless, spotless one who shed His blood, the precious blood, the blood of the of very God Himself. Blood originates from the Father. It required sinless blood to free the sinner from their sin. There is no other price, there is no greater price which can be paid for the redemption of mankind. 1 Pet. 1:19 How true the words of Abraham to Isaac were when he said that, God will provide himself a lamb. Gen. 22:8 There was no other source, no other system or method whereby He could provide a way of salvation for mankind. The Lord had to prepare for himself the kind of sacrifice which was necessary for men to be saved. The most gracious, loving, tender Lamb of God, the only one of His Father bore the sin of the world that all men might be saved. He loves you.

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