Friday, November 21, 2003 (36)

DISCOVER OR CONSIDER THE TRUE, THE GREAT HIGH PRIEST. There is only one who can fit into this category, and that is Christ Jesus. Christ is the ultimate of many offices in the plan and purpose of the Lord. He is also the Apostle, a messenger, bringing and preaching the Gospel in a most unique and perfect manner. Heb. 3:1 The magnitude of His position as the GREAT HIGH PRIEST cannot be over stated. Christ, and Christ alone can satisfy the demands of such a high and holy status before the throne of the Lord. None other has the ability to represent a sinful petitioner before the Father. Of His exceeding greatness and excellency there is no end. His ministry is not in an earthly Temple but in the original, the heavenly, that of which the Tabernacle and Temple were but copies or shadows. The priesthood of Christ is, heavenly, spiritual and very complete. It does not demand daily sacrifices, but is a once for all accomplished work. Heb. 4:14 

GAZING INTO THE HEART OF THE GREAT HIGH PRIEST. In Christ we find the vital emotions that are so necessary to a caring, loving High Priest. There is none other who could begin to compare to Christ. He is the ultimate expression of every thought and word of empathy and compassion. No one comprehends our human problems more that Christ. Physically and spiritually, what we face in life, He has already faced and conquered. Our dire situations, our strong hurts and sorrows He completely understands and has a solution for us. He feels, with us and for us. Christ our High Priest is our consolation and constant companion. He has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Heb. 4:14-15 To obtain the necessary sensitivity, that He might fully understand the many and sometimes strange emotions of man, He became like us, a man, born of a woman. Thus enabling Him to know and understand the need of man for a High Priest who is the very epitome of mercy. Faithfully, He performed and fulfilled all the divine requirements of the Priesthood. Establishing an example that far exceeded all who had been Priests in faithfulness, love and compassion for those whom he represented before the Throne of grace. Only in Christ, can any man be reconciled to the Lord. He is THE reconciliation for both old and new testament saints. The sacrifices of the Law could not, nor will they ever bring, or reconcile any person to the Lord. Every difficult and troublesome circumstances in life He faced, and over came. He is touched, He is moved by the adverse problems that each of us will encounter from time to time. Rest assured, Christ has been there in that hard place. He thoroughly understands the strong emotions which sweep over our lives and empathizes with us. Heb. 2:17 Imagine this, even Jesus, the Son of God, learned obedience by the things He suffered. Heb. 5:8 What will it take for us to come to a place of full obedience? He is there to execute a complete victory in our lives. We are more than conquerors through Christ.

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