Wednesday, November 19, 2003 (34)

A CHALLENGE ISSUED AS TO HIS SONSHIP. Twice, in the threefold confrontation with the powers of darkness, in His temptation the devil hurled words of doubt and unbelief at Jesus. IF, thou be the Son of God. How mightily He could have responded and displayed His abilities and powers, but He refrained, for it would have placed Jesus in a position of submission to the devil, by doing satins will. Mt. 4:3,6 During His ministry evil spirits of the vilest and wildest kind were to confront Jesus. Turning those possessed of them into fierce, frightening beast like men. The immediate confession of their lips was that Jesus, was the Son of God. Mt. 8:29 The mob at His crucifixion likewise hurled words of unbelief and doubt at Jesus. Calling for Him to remove Himself from the cross, by saying, IF thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross. Mt. 27:40 He had repeatedly demonstrated the power of the Lord, in signs wonder and miracles among them. Now, to leave the cross would be to completely frustrate the plan of salvation. One must die for the people and He was that one. Thank God, He fully satisfied the office of both the sacrifice and the priest. 

THE SON OF GOD, OUR GREAT HIGH PRIEST. The perfect, one and only high priest. The heavenly, the eternal, the one who ministers before His Father whom His Father cannot refuse. There is no other heavenly high priest nor could there be. It is an office to which Jesus and Jesus alone has been appointed. Heb. 4:14 There is none other who has empathy for humanity equal to the Son of God. His love and concern reaches far beyond all human, natural love. A mothers love, however strong cannot compare to the love of God, that agape love that motivated Him to come into the world to die, and to seek and save the lost. There is not a human weakness, be it physical mental or emotional that He did not experience when He became the sacrifice, the lamb of God. Heb. 4:15 He has purchased certain rights for every child of the Lord. Ever accessible is the throne of His grace for all who are His. We have the privilege of knowing that we will receive full acceptance and be warmly welcomed to approach His throne. We may come boldly, with complete assurance, that there is a response to the petition which we present to Him. Heb. 4:16 There is no need to seek out any other as a mediator. Jesus is the most loving. He is the very essence of love. Jesus is the most forgiving and the only one who can forgive us of our sins. He is the most caring. He is the most compassionate. He is the most giving. He willingly gave His life for the pardon of all sinners who will come to Him. Only Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is the only way of approach to the Father. John 14:6 Jesus is the only door into the kingdom of the Lord. John 10:9 Jesus alone is the resurrection and the life. John 11:25 The Son of God is all sufficient to more than meet the needs, simultaneously, of every individual who will come to Him as the great high priest. He is the perfect sacrifice and the perfect high priest.

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