
CROWNED IN MOCKERY. Crowned with thorns. What pain and agony He bore for us. The curse of our sin was placed upon Him. The thorns were worn because of the curse placed on the fruit of the ground, caused by sin. Gen. 3:18 Every curse of man He took upon Himself that we might be made free. He suffered in every way possible. Physically, physiologically and spiritually. The physical pain of the flogging and now the crown of thorns must have been nigh unbearable. Physiologically, the rejection by those whom he had come to bless and now by the Gentiles, the heathen. Rejection is a way of life, especially in these last days. In our life time we will all suffer rejection. Some more than others, some real, some imagined. None will ever know the measure of heartache that Jesus felt, for He suffered for all men. He took your place. Cast your care upon Him. Spiritually, what measurement can we use in trying to understand the weight and measure of all this on one who was totally pure and holy, guiltless and innocent? 


Rev.C.Joe McKnight, Seattle

Image of the Beast – C. J. McKnight – 5 March 1978.
In 1978 David Rorvik, a freelance science writer based in San Francisco wrote a book entitled: ‘In His Image: the cloning of a man’, Philadelphia: Lippincott 239p; 22cm c1978. He then traveled around the country speaking in various places, i.e. Western Washington University, claiming that the book was not fiction. In march of 1978 he was interviewed by Hilda Bryant of the Seattle Post Intelligencer and two articles were printed on the second and third of that month. I believe that his lectures were a publicity stunt in order to sell more of his books. It worked, I bought the book and read it and felt his book would have made a very good Hollywood movie. (See The Boys from Brazil below).



A GREAT GATHERING OF MEN WISE IN THE LAW. The Sanhedrin in a night session. Chaired by the high priest Caiaphas (depression), well named.. ALL the chief priests, the elders and the teachers of the law gathered together. If ever there was a kangaroo court it was this one. These men were about to commit the worst judgment of all time. Their actions and decision were diametrically in opposition to the Law, and they knew it. Mk. 14:53. They did their best to find evidence against Christ but ended up empty handed. They found none for there was none. How could the One who had come to fulfill the Law, violate the Law? Their object was to kill Him. Mk. 14:55 What a farce. There were many who were willing to bear false witness against Him. Their statements did not harmonize, because they were lies. The Law stated that a false witness was to bear the judgment that was sought against his brother. Deut. 19:16-19 They sought the death penalty, while, under the Law, they themselves should have been judged worthy of death and every one of them knew it. The Law was weakened and defeated by those who knew it best. Rom. 8:3



And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Gen. 1:25. The personal pronouns, us and our, verify and give evidence to the Triunity of our God. Man was created in the Image (resemblance, a representative figure) or the likeness (shape, likeness, similitude) of God. If God is triune (and He is) then we must find a triune nature in that which he has made to be like Himself. God is, Father, Son and Spirit. Man is spirit, soul and body. 


Rev.C.Joe McKnight

God, the Supreme Being. Yet it takes much more to properly define his true person. There are millions of entity that are worshipped in this world depending on the country and culture. All are called God. The God of the Bible reveals himself through his name. That name is a triune name revealing his very nature and being.The Father Proclaimed his name to be LORD (or Jehovah, the self-existent one, from the root word havah: to be or being). He is eternal, he is the very essence of life. Isa.42:8. How emphatic the words that is my name. Moses desired to know his name. Ex. 3:13-14. Again the response of the Lord is very positive.


Rev.C.Joe McKnight

May 25 – November 3, 2002

THE OPENING OF THE SEVEN SEALS. The seven seals are eventful times that are designed for the end of the age. Their opening may be evidenced by the consequence of events that are to be experienced by the earth and its inhabitants. Each seal will all span a period of time. The earliest opened will be in effect for a longer period of time than those which will be opened later. When a seal is opened it does not require an immediate fulfillment. The conclusion and the expanse of time involved in the completion of the seals we will see later. 


Rev.C.Joe McKnight

ONE BODY.1 Cor.12:13 Can there be a diversity of interpretation when all have been baptized by, of and into one Spirit? If there are divisions in the body they are not of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord is to guide us into all truth. The Spirit is the power which will bond the body of Christ into one. The spiritual man will strive for harmony. The carnal man is quarrelsome, argumentative, contentious, divisive and will insist on having his own way. If we consistently drink of the one Spirit, how is it possible not to be of one accord and one mind?Rom.12:10



Maret 30,2002

THE SEED THAT FELL ON GOOD GROUND. Seed that was to be productive and yield a crop. It is the seed which was received into a hearing and understanding heart. There are three different groups or percentages of the harvest presented by Matthew. Mt. 13:23 Their disparity is the theme of this study. Some thirty percent, some sixty percent and someone hundred percent. Luke stated that the seed on good soil was the individual who was noble and of a good heart. Those who, when they hear the Word of God, retain it, allowing it to produce a good crop. Lk.8:15 


Rev. Clyde Joe McKnight

Christmas 2002

      The secrets of the Lord are made known to those who are walking with Him. Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants, the prophets. Amos 3:7 As we search the scriptures, we find, there were those who most definitely knew of and recognized the birth of the Son of God. Beyond a shadow of a doubt they knew that He was the Messiah. We will review them here.



THE WILDERNESS IN ISAIAH. In order to consider the wilderness as found in Isaiah, we must first understand why that term is used and the importance of the experience. Rev. 12:6 It is the Bride of Christ who is delivered to a place of protection. Whether it be a wilderness or a desert or just a solitary place to which she is taken, Isaiah will give us a full picture of that locale. She fled, not in fear, but to escape or vanish from sight. She is brought to a place prepared by the Lord. Can there, even remotely, be any lack or discomforting circumstances there? The time element of her sojourn is listed as a thousand two hundred and threescore days. The Amplified Version lists the other two measurement of time found in the book of Revelation here. That is forty-two months and three and one-half years. They are all one and the same period of time and the only measurement of the tribulation given in the book of Revelation.