CLOTHED IN THE LIGHT OF THE LORD. The word white in the Greek is <leukos> from luke (light) or white. White is a symbol of purity and is significant in relationship, to this clothing worn by the multitudes of heaven. Of greater importance is the power that creates the appearance of this beautiful garb. Once again, let us consider the Lord Jesus as he was transfigured on the mountain top. His face shone as the sun, brilliant and beautiful. His raiment as WHITE as the LIGHT, (Phos. to shine or make manifest, especially by rays, luminousness (in the widest application, natural or artificial, abstract or concrete, literal or figurative. Strong). Natural, concrete and literal are excellent words with which to describe this heavenly light that was so beautifully manifest in the garment of Christ and will be in the garments of the saints. Mat. 17:2 

THE CONSTITUTION, the very sum and substance of the Lord is LIGHT. 1 John 1:5 There is absolutely no, nor could there be any darkness in Him. He is LIGHT, period. That is it, nothing more to be considered. The conclusion of the matter. The saints have been called out of darkness in to HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT. A light that is so wonderful that it is an astonishment. 1 Pet. 2:9 The Lord uses light as a cloak and a garment. Within and without He is LIGHT>. Ps. 104:2 The saints are the benefactors of the inheritance of the kingdom of light. They share and share alike the glories of that eternal New Heavens and New Earth. Col. 1:12 The dwelling place of the Lord immortal is in unapproachable light. In order to live in that light one must be filled and clothed with that same light. 1 Tim. 6:16 When John saw the Lord Jesus on the isle of Patmos, he saw one whose countenance {literally, His whole being} was shinning as the sun in full strength. Rev. 1:16 Paul, at the time of his conversion saw a light that blinded him. A light, shining from heaven, that was over and above the brightness of the shining of the sun, blazing (NIV) around them. Acts 26:13 

OH, the glory, the brilliancy, the out raying of the Lord, of the home that He has prepared for us and the glorified saints of light who will occupy the same. The beauty, the majesty, the excellency of all that is involved in that eternal, everlasting light beggars description. Of a truth eye has not seen, ear has not heard nor has it entered into the heart of men that which the Lord has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Cor. 2:9 BUT GOD HAS REVEALED THEM UNTO US BY HIS SPIRIT. We too often are content to stop with verse nine and miss the blessing of revelation. 1 Cor. 2:10 The Lord wants us to know what He has prepared for His people and will show us if we will listen. We have not yet exhausted the revelations of the written Word. The mysteries of the Word are not to remain hidden for He has given to us the privilege of knowing all of His plans and purposes. We are not left to walk in darkness nor ignorance but it is His will that He reveal and share with those who walk in His light the great and marvelous things that are in our future. Study to show yourself approved unto the Lord. 

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