THE MOUNTAIN INCIDENT AS RELATED BY MARK. Though not an eye witness, Mark wrote under the inspiration of the Spirit, therefore would give a factual report. His clothing was seen as shining, gleaming or flashing intensely. That is greatly exciting. Heaven the place of light. Filled with beings who are aglow, shining, glittering completely filled with the glory of the Eternal. Dazzling white, whiter than any bleach could possibly bleach them. That is a whiteness that is supernatural and most certainly spiritual. A purity that only belongs to the heavenly. Mark 9:3 

THE LITTLE SEASON. These who are crying out for vengeance are pretribulation martyrs. Rev. 6:11 They are instructed to rest or be patient until the full complement of those designated for the death of a martyr should be accomplished. There is an invitation. given by the Lord for those who will, to enter into the place prepared by the Lord during the tribulation or the time of the manifestation of His indignation. Isa. 26:20 The only time element mentioned in the book of Revelation for the tribulation period is three and one half years. <THE WOMAN>, the Bride of Christ in Revelation twelve is sequestered, in the wilderness, cared for and fed for a time (one year), a times (two years) and half a time (one half a year) or for a total of three and one half years. Rev. 12:14 This is the full extent of the tribulation period. <THE COURT>, which is without the temple, or surrounding the temple. The court is a type of the nation of Israel. The Gentiles, namely the antichrist and his followers, will trample the city of Jerusalem for forty-two months or three and one half years. Rev. 11:2 The month measurement is also used to denote the period of time that the king of propaganda, the antichrist will reign. Rev. 13:5 <THE TWO WITNESSES> Note, they are HIS witnesses, or witness of the person and being of the Lord. They manifest the power of the Lord, in Jerusalem, for one thousand two hundred and sixty days or three and one half years. Rev. 11:3 The same day measurement is used for the time the Bride will spend in the wilderness. Rev. 12:6 These three measurements of time all relate to the one and same period of time. Depicting three different situations that are in effect at one and the same time. 

TRIBULATION MARTYRS. Those not having met the requirements necessary to be in the bride will quickly know the wrath of the antichrist. War will be perpetrated against them. They will be overcome. What a pity, these who had the same opportunity as the bride to go into the wedding, miss it because of a lack of preparation, dedication and surrender to the will of the Lord. They are the unwise virgin class of Mat. 25: 1-12 So close to that great moment where the church will become His bride yet, did not make it. They heard the same midnight cry as the wise but procrastinated doing what they knew to be necessary. They were not ignorant. A spirit of lethargy prevailed amongst them. They felt that they were just as good as the wise. Do not be fooled, be prepared, always!

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