On March 5, 1978, Sunday evening Pastor C. J. McKnight preached a sermon about ‘cloning’. I believe this message was one of the greatest Biblical revelations to date. The following is a transcript of that message I have entitled: ‘Image of the Beast’.

For related viewing, thanks to hollywood, you might like to check out these (VHS/DVD) movies: 1) The Sixth Day – Arnold Schwarzenegger(Cloning) 2) Jurrassic Park – (Cloning) 3) The Island of Dr. Moreau – Marlon Brando, Val Kilmer (Genetic Engineering) 4) Gattica – (Genetic Engineering) 5) The Fifth Element – Bruce Willis (Cloning) 6) Blade Runner – Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer(Genetic Engineering) 7) The Boys from Brazil – 1978 – Gregory Peck, Laurence Olivier(Cloning) R.P.

My subject tonight is cloning, not clowning, as one joker said. I’m going to do something tonight that I really delight in doing and that is in the Seattle paper, the Seattle PI, on the second and third of this month they ran these articles consecutively. If you ever sent in an article to the news papers, either one of them, they’ll hack it up, cut it up, slice it up, and chew it up, and then put a sentence in of the meanings that you are asking them to report. They’ll never give you the space that they give themselves, naturally. But you can pay for as large an ad as you want. And so tonight I’m going to cut their article up. So I’m going to have my fun. And I’d like to read what I’ve cut out here, cut out of the two articles. It’s rather long and yet I want you to hear these things tonight perhaps in my message I will make two asides and yet they are related to what we are going to say.

This is written by Hilda Bryant, and she said, “A respected New York book publisher has made the stunning announcement that a human baby was created in the laboratory from the cell of a male and is now fourteen months old.” Cloning in this case means growing a perfect replica of a human being from a single cell sliced from that human being. No sperm or ovum is involved. The book entitled: “In His Image: the cloning of a man” was written by a freelance science writer named Dave Rorvik who is based in San Francisco.

“The timing is right,” Dr. Joshua Letterberg said, “ten years ago they’d probably clone the first human within a decade.” If what Rorvik claims is true, he is talking about a new reproductive technique that can change the pattern of history. Cloning has never been reported in mammals before. If true, this is a giant step closer to genetic engineering.

Rifkin and Howard and this is another book, describe in their book: ‘The Cloning of Lower Animals’ as long ago as the 1890s. And sophisticated experiments with frogs in the 1950s. University of Washington geneticist and microbiologist Dr. Stanley Falco, known internationally for his research in creating new forms of life by splicing genes said yesterday, “it’s possible.”

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