WHAT ARE THESE, WHERE DID THEY COME FROM? According to the response the second half of that question is the most important. The question originated from one of the elders. John evoked an answer and a revelation from him by saying; < You know >. The response of the elder was, < they came out of great tribulation >. Not only referencing to the < great tribulation > but also to the time leading up to the great tribulation. Rev. 7:9 Prophecies and utterances that promise an easy time for these last days are doing irreparable harm to the church. Causing it to be lax and giving it a feeling of false security, and that it will never face difficulties or persecution. Heed the words of Jesus. These are the beginnings of sorrows. Mt. 24:8 You will be persecuted and martyred. You will be hated of the nations. v. 9 Many shall become apostate, betraying and hating one another. These are they who will follow the antichrist. v. 10 A great number of false prophets will appear, deceiving many. v. 11 The increase of sin and unrighteousness will cause many to loose out with the Lord. v. 12 The individual who will stand firm with the Lord unto the end is the one who will be saved and delivered. v. 13  

PERSECUTION AND MARTYRDOM PRIOR TO THE TRIBULATION. These who are seen under the opened fifth seal will die a martyrs death before the great tribulation period. They are faithful people who adhere to the Word of God and who express and maintain their faith in the Lord Jesus. As it is with all whose blood is shed, whether in murder or manslaughter, the blood of that individual cries out for vengeance. Gen. 4:10 < Who so sheddeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed. Gen. 9:6a >. They are granted white robes to wear and are told that they must wait a little while, that is, for the tribulation period, until those of like faith should also be killed. Persecution will come, and is here in many countries of our world. Millions have already died because of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Christians in numerous countries of the world are currently being greatly persecuted. Jesus said this would happen. Should we take the word of man or the Word of God as our guide? Rev. 6:11 

IN THE LAST DAYS. Not easy days to think or talk about. Today we like that which is positive, that which makes us feel good. The picture that the scripture gives pertaining to the end of the age is not a rosy one. Paul labeled our day as being < perilous >, dangerous, furious or fierce times, a < set or proper time >. He then supplies a word picture of the ungodly works and attitude of this generation of humanity, in general. Christian standards are not easy to maintain, in an atmosphere such as is presented here, of this modern generation. True spirituality is constantly being challenged, from without and from within the church. 2 Tim. 3:1-7 The church is under attack and many do not know it. They gladly associate themselves with those who promise them peace and prosperity. We need to remember that the horseman of the second seal is the rider to whom power and authority is given to remove peace from the earth. So far, he is doing an excellent job. Rev. 6:4 This earth has become a powder keg. It is difficult to count the numerous conflicts that are currently active in our world. It is indeed, nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom. Insurrections, rebellions, border disputes, threats of war prevail world wide. 

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