I AM THAT I AM. (chavah, from the same root as havah, life or living). He is from everlasting to everlasting. The source of all life. Could we be transported anywhere in time or eternity he would be there saying I AM. Omnipotent, Omnipresent, everlasting, eternal Father who name is the LORD. The LORD is a man of war. Ex.15:3 This is a part of the song of victory sung by Moses and the people of Israel after their victory over The Egyptians. His name is a name of might and power. Battles are won in his name. Israel was well aware that it was the LORD who had gained them the victory and released them from servitude in Egypt. His name is a name to be used in spiritual warfare. Ex. 2:3-4 The name of the LORD is that of a covenant maker and keeper. The promises of the LORD are vast and cover every avenue of life. They are unfailing and eternal, for he has sealed and ratified them by his name,

LORD.The annunciation of his birth and the name that he was to use came through the angel. Lk. 1:31. you will bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus,” or savior. His name was not only revealed to Mary but Joseph as well, by the appearance of the Angel of the Lord to him in a dream. Here again the fact that he was to be called Jesus is made known. Mt. 1:21 For he shall save his people from their sins. This was his personal name and foreshadowed that he was to be the savior of the world. Jesus was his earthly name. From the time of his birth the revelation of his name was made known. Lk. 1:11 The word of the angel to the shepherds was that this Savior, was to be Christ the Lord. But the Father was not through manifesting the name that would identify Jesus as Deity. Acts 2:36. But God, has made that same crucified Jesus, both Lord and Christ.” His name is triune. God granted him the right to bear the name Lord and Christ. It was the gift of his Father for him to corroborate the fullness of the name of God. 1Cor.2:8

The person crucified is identified as; the Lord of glory. The word of God witnessed to his Lordship. He and his Father share and share alike in the Godhead. Throughout the Scripture the meaning of a name may show the nature of a person. It can be a prophetic name foretelling an event that will take place. Names were obviously given by divine appointment. The name Christ means the anointing. Jesus was and is the anointed one, therefore he is the Christ. Peter when asked who Jesus was proclaimed him to be the Christ, the son of the living God. Mt. 16:16. This understanding of who Jesus was came not from man but was a direct revelation from the Father. Mt. 16:17. Paul said that the Father gave Jesus a name which is above every name.” Phil. 2:9 So great is that name that heaven, earth and things under the earth will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Phil. 2:10-11.

The Father gave him the full name of the Godhead. The Father is glorified when that name is used in worship and praise. The name Christ is that of the Holy Spirit for it conveys to us the precious anointing that came upon Jesus and made him to be the anointed one. His name is triune, showing forth the true name of God. For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Eph. 2:9. The key word is bodily. The only physical body of God is the resurrected body of our Lord Jesus Christ. The triune name of God was named upon him. The completeness of God is revealed in divine nature in his name and in his eternal resurrected body.:END:

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