THE SON IS LIKENED UNTO A SUN. As the sun disperses the darkness of the night, so the SON eliminates the darkness of sin in the life of that person who will call upon Him. The shining forth, the brilliancy of the righteousness of the Lord. Accompanied by healing and spiritual growth, both of which are direct results of His righteousness being displayed in us. Mal. 4:2 As natural life is sustained by the shining of the sun, so spiritual life is entirely dependent on the light of life, the sun of righteousness, which is the Lord Jesus. Jn. 1:4 He is the < dayspring > from on high. The visitation of the dawn or the springing forth of a new day. Jesus created something wonderful that had never before been available. The ability to receive and walk in the light of the Lord. Dayspring, (Greek, anatole and in Hebrew, zemach or branch). Isaiah proclaimed that the Branch of the LORD would be outstandingly beautiful and a thing of splendor because of the glory of the Lord. Isa. 4:2 Jesus is that springing forth of righteousness that is of the lineage of David. Jer. 23:5 The servant of the Lord whom He would cause to come forth was to be the BRANCH or the shoot or sprout. The beginnings of a new race. The redeemed of the Lord. Zech. 3:8 The Branch that will have the complete anointing of the Spirit upon Him. A righteous and true judgment brought into existence through Him. He will judge the unrighteous and smite the earth with His judgments. He is the true light of God Shinning into every life, either in forgiveness or judgment. Isa. 11:1-5 The man whose name is the BRANCH has been designated as the builder of the true Temple of the LORD. Not only will He be the builder but He will be clothed with the majesty, the grandeur, the beauty, the excellence as He will be the King upon His throne. He is also the priest on His throne. A dual office belongs to Him. Christ is both the King and the Priest. Between these two offices He will develop a kingdom of peace and harmony. Zech. 6:13 

THE WITNESS AND TESTIMONY OF AN EYEWITNESS. The Apostle Peter was one of those who was privileged to stand with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. They heard the voice of the Father and beheld the glory and majesty of God as it was manifest in the Lord Jesus. They saw the visible light that is God Himself. What a holy and sacred moment. The Father proclaimed to them the dawning of a day that was to be revealed in the Lord Jesus, the day of salvation. The heavenly light sent from God blazing and illuminating the darkened hearts of men. Thank the Lord that each of us have had or may have the glorious experience of the dawning of a new day in Christ Jesus. 2 Pet. 1:17-19 The light of the glorious gospel is made available to all. We were blinded by the god of this world, satan, but now the light has broken in upon us and we rejoice in the salvation of our God. God has sent the light to lighten each and every person that is born into this world. That light brings true knowledge, the knowledge of Jesus Christ as savior and Lord of our lives. 2 Cor. 4:4 

A STAR AND OR A BLACK HOLE. Where there is an object of great value there is always an opportunity for a counterfeit. We see in the scriptures the Lord Jesus as the day star who has dawned or has arisen in our hearts. Bringing to us the marvelous salvation that assures us of eternal life. But there is another star, who is called < son of the morning, morning star, or son of the dawn >. His name is Lucifer, the morning star or brightness. He is a created being. At one time he was the closest created being to God. He has never been deity or God. But held a high and exalted position in the kingdom of heaven. Isa. 14:12 He is a fallen being and star. More than that, he was cut off or cast out of heaven. His sin was that of pride and rebellion against the Lord. Isa. 14:13-14 The status of Lucifer is amazing. He was in the garden. Every precious stone was his covering. He was the anointed cherub. He dwelt on the holy mountain of God. The Spirit of God was on him. He was perfect in his creation, until sin was manifest in him. He was beautiful and filled with wisdom. Shining with the glory of God. Eze. 28:13-15 Jesus, in eternity past, saw him fall as a flash of lightning. Luke 10:18 Compare that with the Coming of Christ who will came as a flash of lightning, flashing out of the east unto the west. Mat. 24:27 However, it is very apparent that he still has access to heaven and to the throne of God. He works 24/7, day and night accusing the people of the Lord before the throne. He is a gossip, he is a whisperer, he is a false accuser, he is a tale bearer, he is a slanderer, he is the father of lies and liars. He can out lie any man. Let us not help him. Incidentally, he is too busy to give us a personal visit, he sends his imps. For a second time he will be cast out of the presence of the Lord. Rev. 12:10 It is the marriage of the Lamb and the subsequent birth of the manchild that triggers war in the heavenly and the defeat of Satan. His fall is noted as the act of God under the sounding of the third angel. He is said to be a great star and indeed he had been. No doubt that his casting out of heaven will be a spectacular celestial event. This star as it falls will be as a blazing, flaming torch. Even as it falls it displays light. Rev. 8:10 This too is an imitation of the coming of Christ. For the revelation of Christ at the time of His Coming will be with flaming fire and the destruction of His enemies. 2 Thes. 1:8 This star will have an extremely damaging consequence on the waters of the earth, One-third of them will become bitter and unusable. Strange that even now scientist are saying that we are going to run out of water. Some countries are already there. The name of the star is Wormwood, or Afsantin, bitter. Bitterness is a horrible spirit to allow to develop in our spirit nature. Too many Christians have allowed bitterness to come into their hearts and it controls them. Note that the ultimate of bitterness is death. Let us keep ourselves in the love of Christ. It is inevitable, situations will transpire that could easily create a spirit of wormwood or bitterness. Rev. 8:10-11 Some roots are so fine that they are barely visible. Watch for roots of resentment that can do harm and danger to a family and even to a church. Heb. 12:15

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