THE BRIDE MUST HAVE THAT RELATIONSHIP OF UNITY WITH HIM. The bride is not a figment of the imagination. She is the results of the divine purpose of the Lord. From eternity she has been the strong desire of His heart and will. In His prayer for His church, Jesus prayed for a unity that would lead to perfect harmony. Not only among the members of the church but between the Lord and the church. I IN THEM. As there is no split nor division in the Godhead, so in the Bride there cannot be even the appearance of dissension. John 17:23 A true love for the Lord and a strong adherence to the Word will accomplish that which is His perfect will for us. With the blessed promise that; < WE > (the fullness of God Himself) will come to him and make our home, our place of dwelling place with Him. This is not a minor, frivolous experience. The God of all power is seeking a people who are more than willing to bid Him welcome and most eager to have His life become their life. John 14:23 

THIS IS A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH. The presence of Christ, the anointing, in our spirit nature must be the ultimate goal of every one who has any craving at all to be a part of the bride. The presence of the Spirit will cause the flesh to be crucified. The carnal man, the sinful nature that has not been fully committed to the Lord must die. Then and only then can the Spirit of life and righteousness that is in Christ Jesus be in full control. Being possessed and possessing that Spirit of Christ is the secret of living the life of an overcoming Christian. The scriptures also promise a quickening of the mortal body, through that Spirit that dwells in victory and power within His people. This is not a promise for the sweet bye and bye but is for us now. There is a refreshing that comes from the Spirit. There is deliverance, there is healing and a constituent flow of life from the Spirit of Christ that is abiding within. Be challenged to constantly be filled with the Spirit. Rom. 8:10-11 The communion table is such a vital part of our kinship in the family of the Lord. Without it we are cut off from the very life of God that is in Christ Jesus. Partaking of the bread and the cup is a unifying factor for the body of Christ. We all eat of that one bread and drink from that one cup, making us one in Christ. Sealing to us the glorious knowledge that we are in Christ and He is in us. John 6:56 Bread of heaven, sweet and divine. Satisfying beyond human comprehension. Imparting the strength of the strong one, the Almighty. Establishing a life of the Spirit for this world and for the world to come. The bread of eternity, bread that will never grow stale nor moldy. It possesses natural and spiritual life and imparts life to everyone who partakes of it. It is the bread, the Word of God, which blesses and elevates every participant to a higher plane of Spirituality. This is His body which was broken for you. Marvelous and wonderful sacrifice and offering that was made for our benefit. Lord help us to always manifest our deep felt appreciation for your sacrifice on Calvarys tree. Bread of heaven, completely satisfying, yet once having eaten of it we have a great hunger for more and more. John 6:58

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