THE SUN. The Father, the greater light of the day. Day and night to cease to exist, but the LORD < Jehovah > to be what He always has been the everlasting light and the glory in the midst of His people. The sun of the people of the LORD, never to set again. No night there, but everlasting light will abound. Isa. 60:19-20 

THE MOON. The Son, the reflection, the exact image and replica of the Father. Giving light to the darkness of night. The true light shining in the midst of the blackness and darkness of sin. Rebecca is used for generally it is the woman who travails in giving birth. In the spiritual realm it was Christ who travailed. Isa. 53:11 We see Christ, in the garden praying and in great travail of soul, so much so, that great drops of blood fell from His body. That is the extremity of travail. Luke 22:44 

THE STARS. Typical of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit fill saints of the Most High. The redeemed of the Lord who show the way of righteousness to the multitudes of the earth to shine as the stars. Dan. 12:3 The sun, moon and stars are used as being significant of the varying stages of glory in the resurrection. 1 Cor. 15:41 The Lord in creation has included a great variety. No two people have the same finger prints, DNA, voice pattern nor eye design. Indeed, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. He is the God of infinite variety.

THE SPEAKING HEAVENS. The starry heavens declare the glory of their creator. Ps. 19:1-3 Once again we are faced with the immense variety to be found in the creation of the Lord. The Hubbell telescope is revealing the wonders of the heavens, their glory and majesty. Humanity is sending radio waves into the heavens trying to contact what is not there, that is, other humans. Remember Adam was the first man. Scientist are in tune with and listening to the universe. There are all manner of radio waves coming to earth, from space, but no clear message. However, the light of the stars do convey an understanding of: <THEIR DIRECTION OF TRAVEL>. <THE BRIGHTNESS OF A STAR>, is another message that is conveyed to us by the light of the star. <THE COLOR OF THE STAR>, is also understood from its light. The color will also reveal its temperature, as well as its composition {elements} and its weight and size. The word <DECLARE> in the Hebrew bears the connotation, to score with a mark so as to tally or record. God has recorded the number of the stars where man has not yet found the boundary of the universe in which we live. Who but He could number the billions of galaxies each with billions of stars in them. Aha, but He has gone one step beyond that and named them all. Ps. 147:4 He took Abraham out under the stars and told Him to number them, that was before a polluted atmosphere and perhaps God enabled his vision to see beyond the usual ability of the human eye. The Lord promised that the descendants of Abraham would be as multitudinous as the stars of the heavens. Actually the Lord challenged him to number them, if he could. Gen. 15:5 Men are constantly intrigued and challenged by what is seen in the heavens above. So much is known about them and yet so little. Much of the knowledge of the universe is built on conjecture and is frequently changed. The Lord is enthroned above the circle of the earth, He has made the heavens as a curtain spread out and as a tent in which to dwell. Isa. 40:22 Look up and ask, where did all these come from in their intrinsic beauty and limitless variety. Each of them He calls by name and in their consistency He is the one that maintains them by His strength and power. Isa. 40:26 What a thrill it is to contemplate the heavens above and realize that all these are the work of the Lord in His creation. He has established every galaxy and star to continue in their set orbit. They are the work of His fingers. Ps. 8:3 God spoke them into existence, for they were created by the Word of the Lord. By the breath of His mouth, they were brought forth. His breath is life itself. Ps. 33:6 Why is it that when we are surrounded by things that have been created by the intelligence of men such as automobiles, TVs, computers, houses and buildings, etc, we deny an intelligence that is immensely greater than ours the ability to create all that we see around us. Did automobiles just happen? Or did someone make the first one. Did computers just happen, or did someone manufacture them? Did our homes just spring up around us or was there a carpenter? Perhaps we should deny that some craftsman developed these things and say they just happened, from a cloud of gas. Where did the gas come from? 

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