Light travels at a speed of 186,282,396 miles per second or 299,792,458 kilometers. Einstein in his theory of relativity, stated that if man could travel at the speed of light he would remain the same age. Which is exactly what the child of God does at their departure from this earth. We step into eternity and become ageless. No more birthdays. 

VEGETATION, PLANTS AND TREES. Sustenance for every living creature that the Lord was to create. Here, once again it is the sun that maintains all kinds of plant life. Through the process of photosynthesis the sun motivates the leaves and blades to produce the life giving elements that maintain life. Gen. 1:11-12 He is the very fountain of all that can be called living. Grass or tree. Man or beast. Physical or spiritual. All life is in existence because of Him. Not only by creation but also by maintenance. It is in His light that we see the God, that is light. Ps. 36:9 Light is not God, but GOD IS LIGHT. Behold the LIGHT of the world.

GOD IS LIGHT. A plain statement of fact. Light is one of the characteristics of the Lord. Light expresses exactly what He is. There is no possibility of darkness in Him. He is the only source of light. 1Jn. 1:5 Paul said; <In Him we live> All life is supported by light. <We move>, again were it not for light, we could not move about for we could not see to do so. While it was not so in his day. Our ability to move around the world is possible because of fossil fuels, which exist because of light. <Have our being>. That is, hope or existence. We can live on this earth because of the light that is God. Acts 17:20 It is also interesting to note that on the first day of creation the Lord created light for this world. He took of His own nature and made it to be foremost on this planet. His works are wrought in the light. After light, He created all that we enjoy today. Gen. 1:3 

THE INVISIBLE MADE VISIBLE. Light is invisible. We do not see it as it pours forth from the sun. Yet because it exists we have the ability to see. How true the scripture, < In your, {GOD}, light we see light. Ps. 36:9 What could not possibly be seen becomes highly visible, in light. Light also has the ability to pass through a solid, your windows. The New Jerusalem, the Bride appeared to John to be a precious brilliant stone, clear as crystal. But blazing with the glory of the Almighty. The city is transparent and shining brilliantly. What a sight, the city of light. Rev. 21:11 The dwelling place of the Lord is light. Light that is unapproachable for mankind. 1 Tim. 6:16 The Lord enshrouds Himself with light. 

He lives in light. Light emanates from Him. Truly He is light. The light of the world. The light of all life, natural and spiritual. The light that gives life. John 8:12 

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