GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE. Once again, one of those earthly, common elements so well known that will reveal the nature and being of God. God is a fire, a conflagration of exceeding great proportions. Heb. 12:29 Fire is not God but it has pleased the Lord to reveal Himself in fire or as the appearance of a blazing fire. A fire so real that those who saw it dare not approach it. The glory of the Lord had the likeness of fire on mount Sinai. Ex. 24:17 When He manifests Himself in judgment it is said that a fire goes before Him and that He travels surrounded by a raging tempest or an exceedingly great storm. God in this fashion must be an awesome and fearsome sight to behold. Recall the worst storm that you have ever been in, that is by comparison, nothing. Ps. 50:3 The complaining of the children of Israel, against the Lord, brought about the severe judgment of fire upon them. Some were killed and consumed by that fire. It was only after Moses prayed that the fire of the Lord ceased amongst them. Num. 11:1-2 All complainers should read this portion of scripture and take heed to the experience of the Israelites. It might stop some of the complaining that exists from time to time. 

BAPTIZED WITH FIRE. John the Baptist acknowledged the baptism of repentance. Then he prophesied of a baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire that Jesus was to bestow upon them. Mt. 3:11 Jesus reiterated this promise to them stating, that in a few days they would receive that baptism. Acts 1:5 When the feast of Pentecost had arrived and on the day of Pentecost they were gathered together. There was a beautiful atmosphere for it is recorded that not only were they in one place but the were also in one accord. That unity of heart and purpose was vital to what they were about to experience. The sound of a great and mighty wind and commotion was heard. Their personal contact was with the tongues of fire that settled on each of them. The fire of the Lord became real to them, for it was and is a baptism of fire. Why should we be <short changed> into receiving a substitute of any kind. Acts 2:1-3 All were filled, all spoke with tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Tongues is not what they were seeking. They were waiting for a baptism, that was to be a baptism of fire. The burning purging power of the fire of the Almighty. Tongues is secondary and is the result, the sign of having been filled. Unfortunately, many seek tongues and come short of having been purged by the fire of God. A baptism of fire will alter lives, just speaking in tongues will not. There must be a deep rooted experience that changes the life of the recipient. Acts 2:4

INSTANCES OF THE REVELATION OF THE LORD BY FIRE. An unconsumed bush that was on fire. The revelation of the angel {ambassador, messenger, prophet or teacher}. The angel of Jehovah is a theophany of the Lord Jesus. Moses received his commission here. Ex. 3:2 They were led out of Egypt by the fire and the cloud. Which was the presence of the Lord with them, guiding and protecting them on the journey. Ex. 13:21 The manifestation of the fire that does not consume was seen by Israel again when Moses visited with the Lord on mount Sinai. The glory of the Lord which was visible to them was described as a roaring, mighty, devastating fire, yet it did not destroy the vegetation. Ex. 24:17 That same glorious, holy fire continued on the Tabernacle during all their journeying. They were constantly assured of the presence of the Lord with them, in the cloud and in the fire. Ex. 40:38 The fire burning on the brazen altar was a fire kindled by God Himself. A fire proceeded from the Lord to consume the sacrifice. Lev. 9:24 That fire was to be kept burning night and day. Lev 6:13 When Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to prove the authenticity of their god by the test of fire. It was the true God, Jehovah who answered by fire. Not only did the Lord devour by fire the sacrifice and the wood but the stones, the dust and consumed completely the water that had been poured on the sacrifice. 1 Kings 18:38 The Lord when He makes Himself known does it in a complete fashion. In a manner which leaves no doubt that He is the Lord and reigns supremely in heaven and on earth. He answered by fire establishing beyond a shadow of doubt that He is all powerful.

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