THE GREAT MULTITUDE. Their place in heaven is before the throne of the Lord. This is indicative of the value placed upon them by the Lord. The fact that it is such a <great company> of the redeemed is almost frightening for these are martyrs. For their number to be innumerable reveals that there will be a vast amount of people who die for Christ in the end of the age. Rev. 7:9 They are impacted by the fifth seal. They come from every corner of the earth. No nation will be free from the persecution that will increase in these last days. The only escape is to be in the Bride and go with her into the wilderness. Rev. 12:14 They are wearing the finery of the redeemed, clothed in white linen which is the righteousness of the saints. Rev. 19:8 They are a happy, rejoicing people for they are waving palm trees before the throne of the Lord. The use of palm branches originates from the Feast of Tabernacles and is significant of triumph, peace and righteousness. Neh. 8:15 Ps. 92:12 The numerology of this episode is interesting; there are four {the number of the earth} means used to identify the origin of this multitude. Rev. 7:9 There are eight {number of resurrection} words or sayings that are used in order to magnify and glorify the Lord. Rev. 7:11 

WHERE HAVE THESE COME FROM? The asking of a question by one who understood. That their origins might be revealed. They have come out of, or have entered by the way of the great tribulation. They are a blood washed number who have paid the price of martyrdom for their belief that Jesus is the Messiah, perhaps dying as soon as they professed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is obvious that there will be a vast multitude come to Christ at his time and in this manner. Rev. 7:14 During the great tribulation period the antichrist will be in absolute charge and will quickly eradicate all who believe and accept the witness of the two witnesses, Moses and Elijah {the Law and the Prophets}. Nevertheless, Knowing that they face immediate death, they will reject the ways of the antichrist and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord. 

A SYNOPSIS OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION. The Holy Spirit will no longer be moving among men as now. There will be no New Birth, no infilling of the Spirit. He will carry and go with the church into the place prepared by the Lord for the duration of the great tribulation. The Holy Spirit, at his present time, is hindering and withholding the forces of evil. The Holy Spirit will soon be removed allowing the forces of darkness complete control. 2 Thes. 2:7 {The one who holds it back (powers of evil) will continue to do so till he (the Holy Spirit) is taken out of the way. NIV}. How will the martyrs be saved? In the same manner as during the ministry of the Lord Jesus. Those who believed in Jesus were saved by their faith. John 3:15 The three and one half year ministry was a transition period, from Law to Grace. It was the first half of the seventieth year of the prophecy of Daniel. Dan. 9:27

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