LIGHT is the very nature and being of God. HE IS LIGHT. There can be no darkness in him of any sort or measure. All light in our universe emanates from one source and that is the Lord. Outside of Him light does not exist. 1 Jn. 1:5 When the light giving bodies no longer are in existence, the Lord is still there as the everlasting light and glory. In creation, He took of Himself and created the sun and the stars, placing His light upon them. The light that He is has always been. It is as eternal as the Lord for light cannot be separated from Him. It is what He is. That same LIGHT dwelt within the Son of God. That light is the light of the world. Those who follow Him walk in that same light. The light of eternal life. Jn. 8:12 LIGHT and LIFE cannot be separated. There could be no life anywhere in the universe without light. Light and life are inseparable. There can be no spiritual; life without the light of the Lord Jesus shinning into our hearts. Jn.1:4 The responsibility of maintaining the glow of that light in this world has been passed on to the church. <Ye are the light of the world> Mt. 5:14 The church bears a great responsibility to carry that light unto the lost of this world. In relationship to the Second Coming of Christ we are to be an enlightened people. Not walking in darkness or missing the plan of the Lord for His day, but being children of light, we understand what the Lord has proposed for these last days. Understanding the truth. Not having to adjust our doctrine every time we prophesy an event and it does not take place. We are children of truth. 1 Thes. 5:5

HE IS THE FATHER OF LIGHTS. Not only is He LIGHT. He has Fathered all light. Natural and spiritual. Bringing both into existence for the benefit of mankind. The gifts, whereby He benefits His own, are not only good, they are perfect {maturity, of full age}. He will accomplish maturity in His church through the light of the Word. He is steadfast, unswerving in all of His purposes. He will attain His goal and bring forth a perfect Bride. James 1:17 

The chararistics of light are interesting. It is the only constant in the universe. It never changes. It is the only true substance that can be trusted to be always the same. Light is both, material and immaterial. Under certain circumstances it is known to bend proving that it is physical. Yet it is not visible. We see by light but we do not see the substance of light. Therefore it is nonphysical or spiritual. Light when it is viewed through a prism reveals a spectrum that has three major or primary colors. Yellow, red and blue. Three colors, blended into light. A type of the Triunity of God. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Because the Godhead is LIGHT, the very nature of LIGHT represents the GODHEAD or the TRIUNITY of GOD. Color is not in the materials of color that are observed by the human eye. Color is in light and is manifest by the refraction of light off of certain objects. The prism will also show seven prismatic colors, ranging from extreme red to extreme violet. Seven is the Divine number of completion or fullness. Standing before the throne of LIGHT there are the seven Spirits of God. Or the sevenfold Spirit of God {Amp}. As in the spectrum the seven colors amalgamates into one another as a unit. So the Holy Spirit is seven fold. The seven attributes of the Spirit are seen in Isa. 11:2 

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