

Among the responsibilities and the wonderfully expressive names bestowed upon the Lord Jesus by the prophet Isaiah there are two which are of particular interest to this study. Isa. 9:6 The first is His governmental obligation. When we think of the shoulder in relationship to the Lord Jesus we think of His cross which He was compelled to bear. The foundation, the root, the beginning of the whole story of redemption begins at the cross. It is not the cross which is our salvation but it is He who was crucified on the cross that is our Savior and Redeemer. The physical cross is meaningless. There have been crosses and crucifixions without number, all without a purpose other than to rid the world of common criminals. The precious blood of the Lamb slain at Calvary is our only hope of reconciliation with the Lord. Col. 1:20. 

Typology comes to life in the installment of Eliakim (God sets up) in the place of Shebna as the treasurer over the kings household. Isa. 22:20-25 The Lord will clothe Eliakm with the clothing or the badge of this high office. The responsibility of the government will be his. He will be as a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Isa. 22:21 It is very apparent that he was to be given full authority by the Lord. The key to the house of David was to be laid on his shoulder. Isa. 22:22 Holding the key, he would also control the door. Surely the cross comes into view again. There is no other way, Jesus said, I am the door. John 10:9 He alone can open or close the door. He has complete control. 

He shall be as a nail or a peg fastened in a sure place. One upon which all may trust and know that it will stand the test. The glory of the family will hang upon him. Isa. 22:23-24 Ultimately the peg was to be removed and all that hangs on it would fall. At Calvary, Christ was cut down or crucified. The hopes of a restored kingdom for Israel were all cut down with Him. The Law was fulfilled. Rom. 10:4 The new order was introduced. Now all enter the kingdom through the Lord Jesus. There is no other way. In His visit to the earth the full responsibility of gathering a people for His names sake was laid upon Him. Salvation is available only through His name. Acts 4:12 Those who would try to come some other way are considered to be thieves and robbers. John 10:1 Very definitely, there will be a ruling class in eternity.

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