

Where are we? Hopefully we are becoming more and more aware of the invitation to come to Mt. Sion. Not the natural, but the spiritual. Not that which shall perish but that which is eternal. It is a living city occupied by the living God. The heavenly, embracing both that which is now, but will perish, also that which is yet to come, the new heavens. It is the true Jerusalem and should be the center of our attention. It is likewise the abode of the myriads of angelic beings created by the Lord. Heb. 12:22 It is the true center of all that is glorious and wonderful in the eternal and spiritual realm. We need to consider here that the one hundred forty four thousand stand with the Lamb on Mt. Sion. Rev. 14:1 That focuses our attention on the importance of the true eternal, holy city. There is no other city on the face of the earth which can compare with this city of the Lord. 

This Sion is noted to be the place of the general assembly, the universal gathering together of the body of Christ. They are also entitled the ‘church of the first born.’ Not only are they all born spiritually into the family of the Lord but they are considered to be the first born. The first born had special rights and were to receive a double portion as their inheritance. Deut. 21:17 They are a people who have had their names recorded in the Lamb’s book of life from before the foundation of the world. Rev. 17:8 They have stood in the presence of the Judge of the whole earth and have been made just and righteous in His sight. They have been granted a full pardon and will never have to give an account for those things which they have confessed to Him. 1 John 1:9 They live and walk before the Lord without condemnation of any kind because they walk after the Spirit. Rom. 8:1 

These who dwell in spiritual Sion are those who are living according to the promises of the Word. The term, no body is perfect, is just an escape and an excuse for our faults and failures. It is most certainly not the will of the Lord for His people. His will is to develop a church that is without spot of wrinkle. Eph. 5:27 His command to Abraham was to walk before Him in perfection. Gen. 17:1 Enoch walked with the Lord and was received up into heaven. Gen. 5:22 Of more importance than any other city, is the city of the great king, the Lord Jesus, which is that majestic heavenly Jerusalem. Too many have their sights set on the wrong city, the temporal city and not that which is everlasting. 

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