

The church at Ephesus was not without need of correction. Even though the book of Ephesians portrays the church as that of which the bride will be chosen, there is still a serious shortcoming recorded against them. They had forsaken their first love. Rev. 2:4 This was a serious offence before the Lord. He called them to remembrance from where they had fallen or had failed to maintain that all necessary first love. They too are called upon to repent or pay the consequences which was a removal of the candlestick or source of light from their midst. Rev. 2:5.

A deep and strong love for the Lord is an imperative for inclusion in the Bride of Christ. The Lord Jesus, Who is the very essence, nature and character of love, can only accept those who are totally in love with Him. A people whose love is full and mature. True agape love, identical with the love which characterizes Him. 1 John 4:16. 

The condition which separated the two groups, A reserve of oil. Oil is that which typifies the anointing of the Holy Spirit. More so than any other time in the history of the church the precious, fresh oil of the Lord must be upon the lives of the church. Those whose lamps were extinguished for lack of oil are termed as the foolish virgins. Mt. 25:8 Consider Strong’s definition of the word foolish. It is self explanatory and very enlightening. moros, dull or stupid, i.e. heedless, blockhead, absurd. They then had the audacity to ask the wise to give them of their supply, which of course was refused. 

The virgins themselves determine which group they would be included in by the measure of oil which they had with them. The extreme difference between them is like darkness compared to light. Eccl. 2:13 When we consider the percentages of this division it is a most awesome moment of time. Fifty percent are wise and the other fifty percent are the foolish. That is one half of the church which will be separated and culled out of, and separated from the group who will be married to the Lamb of God. There is no middle ground to be found here. It is a clear cut case of either or, be filled with the Spirit and be blest. No oil and dead lamps will lead to separation from all that is good and holy. Go, seek for yourself from those merchants who sell oil. There is a dire warning to be found here to keep our spiritual experience and anointing up to date. Maintain a fresh, and up to date life filled with the Spirit of the Most High. 

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