

There has never been the solution to a mystery more openly displayed than this one of the relationship of Christ with His church. While calling it a great mystery he plainly referred to its secret by stating that it was the impending marriage of Christ with His church. Eph. 5:32 The full comprehension of this marriage is of extreme importance to the prospective bride. How can she be a bride if she is not aware of the proposal of marriage and all that is involved? This is a kingdom mystery and Jesus said that knowledge of kingdom mysteries is imparted to those belonging to the kingdom. Mark 4:11 What is stated to be a mystery should be a revelation to the Lord’s people. Rom. 16:25 The wisdom of the Lord is hidden from the eyes of the unsaved but made known and imparted to those who seek and find the wisdom of the Lord. 

Prior to creation the intent of the Lord was to find a people whom He could glorify with Himself. His eternal purposes cannot be thwarted nor defeated. 1 Cor. 2:7 He will have a glorious bride. Eph. 5:32 Too many Christians are living below their privilege in being a partaker of those things prepared for them. Many have not seen, nor heard, nor has it even come into their thoughts all the wonderful spiritual blessings which have been prepared for them. 1Cor. 2:9 This scripture is frequently quoted to cover our ignorance of the mighty workings of the Lord in His church. The very next verse bursts wide open the desire of the Lord to make all of His mysteries, the deep spiritual awareness of His will, completely revealed to His very own. 1 Cor. 2:10.

The secrets of the ages pertaining to the purposes of the Lord have been hidden and were a complete mystery. Now, that which is His perfect will is made manifest to His saints. No longer is it a matter of being of a certain race, but now all nations of every continent and island are called to enter into His mysteries. None need be excluded from the very innermost secrets and manifestation of the Lord. It is now Christ in you. Dwelling within the spirit nature of man. Changing his attitudes and his manner of life. Creating within the essence of that mighty and glorious love which emanates from the Lord. Col. 1:26-27 The grand finale of all His efforts will be the bringing forth of a Bride who will love as He loves. The body of Christ, His Bride which will reach all the purity and perfection which is to be found in Him. He will have a people bearing His exact being and nature of perfection. Col. 1:28.

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