

All things new. That literally means all things. Rev. 21:5 The former (current) earth and universe has become old and grossly contaminated by sin and iniquity. Spoiled and worn out by the works and efforts of human kind. Amazingly, this is something that even the unbelievers are talking about today. We have many movements arising now whose purpose is to save the earth for future generations. Change the actions of mankind and make new laws concerning the physical pollution of the earth, its destiny is set. Catastrophic events are reserved for the end of the age in relationship to the heavens and the earth. The ultimate being that the heavens and the earth which are now will flee from the presence of the throne of the Lord. Rev. 20:11. 

After the thousand year Millennial reign of Christ and the subsequent battle of Gog and Magog the old will flee for ever. Never again will they be involved in anything. They are sucked into a black hole, an eternity of separation from all that is God like. Rev. 20:11 The new will be everlasting, eternal. It will never be contaminated by sin. 

Its newness will never grow old. Ageing of all things, including people, will not be found there. The new is spiritual and not natural. It is holy and not carnal, therefore cannot corrupt. The following scriptures pertain to the new heavens and new earth. They are the creation of the Lord. Not a renovation or a restoration, not even a recreation of the old. In the new, the old will never be remembered. Isa. 65:17 We can all be thankful for that. 

The throne of the Lord. The heart, the center, the core of that which is new will be the new Jerusalem. The true and only holy city. She is arrayed in all the splendor and glory of the Lord, for she is seen as a Bride, prepared for her husband. The beauty of the Lord is upon her. Rev. 21:2 The cities of this world are planned and built by man, and will all be destroyed, including, so called, holy cities. This true eternal city, the new Jerusalem is the handiwork of the Lord and is perfect in every detail. The Lord will find great joy in the ultimate work of His hands. She is the delight of His heart. Its inhabitants are a joy and thrill to His being. It is the city of joy and happiness there will never again be heard the sound of weeping or crying. The former things have all passed away. Isa. 65:17-19.

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