

The oldest son of Hosea was Jezereel. His name has a dual connotation and yet they are identical. First, God scatters. Secondly, God sows. The first predicting a judgment which would come upon the nations of Israel and Judah and they would be scattered. The second, a promise that the Lord would sow good seed (the Word) and bring the nations together under His leadership. Under one head (the Lord Jesus) they are to be united in one. Hosea 1:11 This is not to be a secular kingdom if it is under the guidance of the Lord Jesus it has to be spiritual. 

The citizenship of His kingdom is composed of three general segments of humanity. All of them having been born of the Spirit. Without the new birth a person cannot even comprehend the existence of the kingdom of God. John 3:3. 
A sign has been established as a point around which they will rally, that is the Lord Jesus. The nations, the Hebrew word gowy indicates Gentile, heathen, foreign nations. Thus, the door is opened to the whole world to participate in His kingdom. The outcasts of Israel and the dispersed of Judah are also invited to participate in the eternal kingdom of the Lord. Isa. 11:12 The twelve tribes were divided into the two nations at that time. If this is a physical, secular gathering it must include all twelve tribes. Where are the ten which at first were called Israel, then Samaria? 

There is but one person who could be that one head. He is the shepherd king, the Lord Jesus. David was a type of the Christ of God and was to be that one and only shepherd of the flock of the Lord. Eze. 34:23 The Father will establish HIS king upon HIS holy hill. Jesus will reign in the Zion of the Lord. Ps. 2:6 The Lord has [promised that the time would come when He would establish a branch of righteousness, a person, a king whose name is the righteous Branch. Jer. 23:5 He whose name is the BRANCH is the builder of the temple of the Lord. He will be the glory of that temple and will reign in a dual office, as the only true great high priest, and as the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ. Zech. 6:12-13 It is Jesus who is the head of the church, the true temple of the Lord. All will be subject unto Him. Eph 1:22 The whole of His body, the church will have been redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and He is the head of that body. Eph. 5:23 The church of the Lord which He loved to such a great degree that He purchased her with His own blood. Acts. 20:28.

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