

A very strong and passionate appeal to Ammi, my people and to Ruhamah, beloved of tenderly pitied. These words are an appeal and an attempt for reconciliation. We see in these names the love and mercy of the Lord ever reaching out to those who have gone astray. The Lord in order to visit with compassion and mercy must first execute correction for according to the Law their mother is not His wife. Because of Israel’s sinful actions, the Lord is not her husband. He is not married to her. Hos. 2:2. 

Due to the worship of false deities Israel was given a certificate of divorce for all their religious wickedness. Jer. 3:8 For all that had happened to Israel, Judah did not learn and followed in the same manner of sin. Isaiah proclaimed the same prophetic message. Those to whom the Lord had looked upon as His wife, He had sent away, or separated Himself from them. Not because He was seeking revenge, but because of their sin and iniquity. Their own actions were the cause of the presence of the Lord leaving them. Isa. 50:1 The Lord Jesus also referred to this action as having been caused by the hardness of their hearts. Mk. 10:4-5 

The first covenant has been removed, liquidated that the second might be established. Jesus is doing the will of His Father fulfilled all the demands of the first covenant. While the righteousness of that covenant is still the righteousness of the Lord, there is now a true righteousness, A righteousness of the Spirit revealed in mankind, through Jesus Christ. Heb. 10:9-10 Now the way of righteousness is not by the works of men but by the working of the Spirit in the lives of those3 who will come to the Lord Jesus. The true people of God will have the righteousness of the Lord indelibly stamped on their hearts and saved in their minds. It is no longer to be as struggle to do the will of the Lord but to be a life of His nature living in us. Heb. 8:10

For those who will be the people of God , the Lord has prepared a new and living way. A manner of living in this world that is not of the world but is of that life eternal which is found in Christ. Heb. 10:20 Those whom He will call His people are granted entrance into the Most Holy place, through the veil, that is the Lord Jesus. Without Him there is no entrance granted. Jesus said; I am the door. There is no other way, but through the Lord Jesus Christ. 

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