

A parable illustrating the coming marriage of the Lamb. It is given that the church might understand the working and will of the Lord for His church in the last days. They are virgins such as Paul mentioned in 2 Cor. 11:2 Members of the body of Christ who are waiting for the day of the marriage of Christ and His church. They are all in the same class, virgins, unmarried. Their number is not limited to ten, which in this case is a number of leadership and government. They are divided into two identical groups, yet there is a great difference between them.Mt. 25:1. 

In their similarities, they are all virgins. They have all heard the call and responded to the bridegroom and the marriage which is about to take place. They will be well aware of the times and the seasons. Inasmuch as they are all named virgins we know that they have responded to the preparations of holiness which are so vital for this marriage. They all had lamps prepared to lighten their way as they went forth to greet the bridegroom. Mt. 25:1 There the similarity, which had been so evident ceases. 

They are subsequently divide into two groups and named as being wise of foolish. Mt. 25:5-6 Neither education nor intelligence defined which group the individual was to be placed. It was a good supply of oil. A preparation that would assure them of a continual burning of their lamps, regardless of how long it took the bridegroom to arrive. Oil is a type of the anointing of the Spirit. The wise are a people who maintain, very carefully, the presence of the Spirit in their lives. A fresh experience in the Lord is of great necessity in order to be included among the wise. 

Among the foolish are to be found those who have a knowledge of future events and anticipate the coming of the bridegroom. They have known and enjoyed the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. They are now contented with the experiences of the past and feel no need of an update. In the vital hour of the greatest need for a reserve of oil they had run dry. If the actual fulfillment numerically follows the parable that would divide the virgins (members of the church) right down the middle. In other words fifty percent would be classified as being in the unwise class And needful of a new and fresh anointing of the Spirit of the Lord. It is time for some self inspection and a renewing of the presence of the Lord within our Spiritual nature.

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