

The high priest of the new covenant, not only has immediate access to the throne of God but occupies, shares that throne with His Father. His place and ministry are established eternally. His is an effective ministry, whereby those who appeal to Him find forgiveness and eternal life. Heb. 8:1 He ministers in the true tabernacle and not in that which is but a shadow of the true. A structure erected by the Lord which will abide forever. Heb. 8:2. 

The old Mosaic covenant replaced by a new and far better covenant. The old found to be faulty and needing a replacement. Heb. 8:8 The old was cancelled because it was weak, feeble and ineffective. It did not, nor could it produce the desired changes and life style demanded by the Law. It was therefore unprofitable, useless and unhelpful to those who followed it. Heb. 7:18 It brought nothing nor anyone to perfection or maturity. However the introduction of the better covenant rectified all this and produced a fellowship between the Lord and those who embraced the new covenant. Heb. 7:19. 

The Lord allowed the first covenant to become old or obsolete. It was no longer of any use. The Lord annulled the same causing it to become worn out and no longer of any account. It was time for it to be disposed of and for it to pass into oblivion. Heb. 8:13 For all this, what the Law could not do in introducing the righteousness of the Lord into the lives of it’s adherents, faith in Christ, the new covenant does. The individual, who accepts Christ is enabled to meet the righteousness of the Law, through faith in Christ Jesus. Rom. 3:31.

The Lord did not leave mankind without a way whereby they could know Him. That way is Christ Jesus. He is the end , the conclusion, the fulfillment of the struggle to embrace the letter of the Law. For all (the whosever will, Jew and Gentile. Rom. 3:29) who will come to Him by faith, may find the righteousness of the Law lived in them through Christ. 
Rom. 10:4 These who are the people of God are made evident by their spiritual life. They walk in the Spirit, who then enables them to live a life of righteousness that is pleasing to the Lord. Rom. 8:4 The Spirit led life is that which makes us to be the people of the Lord. 

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