

The prophecy of Isaiah, pertaining to Israel, is verified by Paul. Their number to be as the sand of the sea, but those who are saved are called a remnant, a few. Justification is not a gift of natural birth but rather, new birth, a spiritual birth. Rom. 9:27 Israel seeking to be justified by the Law of righteousness, could not measure up to its high demands. 
Rom. 9:29 The Gentiles not seeking righteousness after the righteousness of the Law found the true righteousness, which is not by works but by faith. Therefore, all who come by the way of faith are justified before the Lord, regardless of natural birth. Rom. 9:30 

The prophetic utterance given by Hosea stated that the time would come where there would be those who were to be called the sons of the living God. Hos. 1:10 The promise of that prophecy was made available by the Lord Jesus. Those who received Him, who had faith in Him were given the privilege of becoming sons of God. John 1:12 This is not something that has been scheduled for heaven and eternity but John said; now are we the sons of God. 1 John 3:2 To receive such a glorious blessing and standing with the Lord is the manifestation of His love for us. He is searching for a people who bear His likeness and have the same majestic character. 1 John 3:1.

We are assured that this blessed status is something that is made known in this life, for it is evidenced in the midst of a world that is filled with all manner of wickedness. Those who are His sons will be filled with the eternal glory of the Lord and reflect the glory of the Lord. Phil. 2:15 The Spirit filled life, the Spirit led life is likewise an evidence of those who have become the sons of God. Rom. 8:14 This is not an imaginary group, or a sect which have gone astray. This is the promise of the Lord. He has given us enough evidence for us to rest assured that this is His will and purpose in the lives of all who will truly follow hard after Him. The ultimate manifestation of the sons of God is to be that glorious moment when the dead in Christ shall rise with a new body, the body of resurrection. 
Rom. 8:19,23 The final act of adoption into the great family of the Lord. That blessed moment of time when we lay aside these mortal bodies and are clothed with the body of eternal life. A new body which will never again feel the hurts and pains of this life. A body made like unto the body of the Lord Jesus.

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