

For they are virgins. Rev. 14:4 A statement of fact which is simple, plain and to the point. They are just that, virgins. The puzzle as to the who, why and what, ends when we accept the word just as it has been written. Bible scholars in general agree that the Greek word parthenos, virgin, is used here, and that it means a true virgin. One who has never experienced sex of any kind. I have done considerable research and find that Bible scholars (?) evaluate the word parthenos to be either masculine, feminine or neutral, as used in our scripture. There seems to be some disagreement and confusion over the word, virgin. Using the Word to interpret the Word, Mary, the mother of Jesus was a virgin (parthenos). Luke 1:27 That is itself should illuminate us as to the status of these who are also virgins in Rev. 14:4 Pure and simple, a virgin is just that a virgin and nothing else.

The New Testament does not use parthenos in reference to a male as a virgin. In Hebrew a betula is a virgin. As was Rebekah. Gen. 24:16 An almah is a young unmarried female, a virgin. Isa. 7:14 In Greek a parthenos, is a virgin , living under the protection of her family until betrothed or married. In English the word is virgin. Mt. 1:23 There is a word for a male who is in similar circumstances. One who is chaste and was without having had intercourse, they are called eunuchs. If these in Rev. 14:4 were meant to be male then surely the word eunuch would have been used. In Hebrew the word cariyc is translated eunuch. Isa. 56:3 In Greek, the word is eunouchos, or a eunuch. Acts 8:27 In English the word is eunuch. 

If this group were men, then why were they not called eunuchs? If our languages were so poor as to not differentiate between male and female then we could possibly squeeze in the thought of these being men. However, when we have words with positive meanings and showing definite differences between the two, how can we do an injustice to the Word by making parthenos to be eunouchos? If the body of Christ is a complete body and every organ found in the human body is duplicated in the body of Christ, then there must be a segment of that body which requires that the nature of those involved be exactly what the Scriptures say they are, virgins. The body of Christ will not be an abstract organism but will be constructed, molded and created according to His will and purpose.

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